Candy crush level 1765 .
The game does not register that I matched a colorbomb and a wrapped candy. I have got the needed 3 twice, and it doesn't advance me to the next level.
HELP - I synced a new ipad & iphone (Facebook & the crown in app). Gone back 150 levels. The higher levels still have Stars against them but can't access them?
Candy Crush Saga Level 2443
Over the last 3 Episodes, I have been very happy with the vast improvement in the levels being produced. They have required skill, a little bit of luck and sure, the use of boosters. Then along comes Level 2443. I have now been stuck on this level for 2 days and haven't scored over 200,000. It seems impossible to get the…
Score record.
Anyone knows about any game scored over 175.000.000 points? Could it be a record?
Stopped at 2375
I was playing Candy Crush on my kindle and bought gold and hours. I got to level 2375 and the game stopped saying it was under construction. I know that is not true because I have gone further in another device so I lost the hours I paid for because something is wrong somewhere
level problem
I am playing candy crush on PC and also on android phone. I have completed level 2420 on PC and reach to 2421 but on my android phone there is no level 2421.
No "accept and send a life back" option
Since last update, when I accept lives from friends, I don't get the "accept and send life back" option . I can only accept lives (same as on mobile).I can send lives to friends, but only if I search for their name.It's complicated, as they all are on different levels, so I have to scroll all the way down to find them.
Lost boosters
I was playing candy crush and it shut down my Samsung Galaxy. the first time all was fine but last night it deleted me earned boosters. how do I get them back. thanks for any help in advance .
I had to delete and reinstall the game. Are you able to reinstate my boosters pretty please?
my gold bars have remained but I had a lot of boosters saved up and they are now gone and my aces to the new levels have disappeared too. I play on 3 devices but only one of the devices had access to the new levels. Is there a way to get my boosters back and get easy access to the new levels? thanks
My iPad is linked properly, but my iPhone won't link
Is there a easy way to link my acct so I have all the progress. Every time I link it to Facebook, it links my business acct.