I recently upgraded to an iphone 7 & lost all progress on Candy Crush.
Recently upgraded to the iphone 7. When I downloaded Candy Crush, it started me back at level 1. If I log in on a PC, my progress still shows, but unsure how to get it transferred to my phone. Is there any way to fix this?
Phone getting hang
Hi, My phone getting hang when I'm playing this game and same issue I'm not facing in other apps.I'm using new phone as well(Oppo A57).
in Candy Crush my ticket requests are not going through, not able to move to the next level??? Also,
friends not receiving my request? Also, What is going on with the extra moves, i know I am sending them to friends every time i log into the game.....i do not ever get them and friends are not receiving them???
I lost all my levels
I reset my phone and was on level 1012, I had a king account but forgot the password I have tried to reset it but I don't recieve an email I have checked in spam but no sign. I don't use Facebook. I would be grateful if you could help me as I had worked very hard to reach that stageThanksRabia
You are just plain GREEDY, King!
As if the company is not rich enough, they decide to raise the smallest gold bars package price from .99 to 1.99! Getting 15 bars instead of 10 does not make up for it, either. It's such a f'n messed up and greedy move! Shame on you, King....SHAME!!
I passed the level 1774 but my DP show is 1251 level i want to play 1775 please move my DP at 1774
I pass the lavel 1774 i uninstall after connect FB. And game now again install And connect with FB my lavel show is 1251 Please resolve it . Archive level is 1774 now but my DP is 1251 Please Move my DP. at 1774
candy crush levels
HiI recently resetted my phone, I lost my candy crush and candy crush soda levels. How can I recover them?
Advancing to the next level
After beating level 1460 on FB and my mobile it will not advance me to the next level! Why? I've been trying to get an answer to this for a while now.
why haven't the new levels downloaded on my kindle fire when they have on my phone and computer?
why haven't new levels downloaded on my kindle fire when they have on my phone and computer? I have the same version on all 3.
Everything lost
I didn't have a lot but with the Android update I couldn't connect to FB. So I reinstalled the app. Now I am back to being a new user with the exception of my level. Kindly reset me back to where I was. This is ridiculous this always happens.