lost game progression
my grandson deleted my game and I would like to get back to level 665. I have spent money getting here and wanted to know could it be recovered?
New iPad, didn't back up the game, was level 445...now level 1. I lost everything
I purchased a new iPad, deleted and sold old iPad. Downloaded candy crush saga on new iPad and lost everything. Back at level 1 instead of 445. Help please
Where is my night level?
I use the night levels while I wait for the 72 hour hold on the day level. I have 5 lives but I am stuck at a train station! I just have to not play for a few days. It is horrible!!
Can not move frog on 1290 in candy crush.
when the frog has eaten enough colors to move I can not move him to the top section. I watched a you tube to make sure I was doing it right and it appeared they could just move the frog. Very confused
How to play 1290
Watched video on how to play. The frog is moved to blank 9 blocks,before an update. After update of game can't move frog to blank 8 blocks. Now impossible to win level. Something changed in last update on my game
why do i sometimes get a score of hundreds of millions of points?
When I play on my tablet I sometimes get scores of hundred millions. I just played on my computer & I got millions of episode stars. What the heck is going on?
Why don't I get the boosters I buy and earn in candy crush? I can't use them If they don't show up.
I can't use boosters I don't have. If I pay for a booster then I should get that booster, especially if it would have gotten me through a very hard level. Those messages don't help me it's a glitch in the game. You need to fix it. It's been going on for several days maybe even a week.
Reward levels with bows in Candy Crush are not working
When playing CC on laptop I am unable to collect rewards on the Bow wrapped levels. This has only started recently and it has now been four days so it isn't about waiting for the 8 hours after hitting the amount needed. I am on level 586 now so I have been getting them before.
Dissapeared 5 ufo's
I wrote to you many times about my lost 5 ufo's, but no answer from King. Only a question if my problem was solved. No, not solved. Since last 2 updating ccs doesn't work good. You sent me some items as apologize including 5 ufo's. I was so happy,because ufo is very rare, special and precious. I told my friends how King…
Candy Crush Timed level 2079
I played timed level 2079 and had to use boosters to pass. The problem is I did not advance to the next level of 2080 in this episode. There was a treasure chest that occupied level 2080 so I was stuck on level 2079. Well I decided to play level 2079 again and I passed ..... again. Now it did advance me to level 2080 but…