Level 257 Candy Crush doesn't register all the matched combos so I cannot move on.
It seems to randomly register one or sometimes two combinations (rarely) but I've successfully completed the game umpteen times only to find that some or all of the matches have failed to register. Is there any point in continuing to try, or is it a case of 'you've got the glitch, so you will never pass this level' ??
World map isn't playable
Since the world map comes again I find that all the countries are disabled from playing .. I played 2 missions only .. it shows that I did them all from past since I did all Europe map before .. but now I can't play any .. please tell me what to do
sync issue
I am not able to sync the version of cc on my iphone to the version I play on FB. Please help.
I deleted my old fb account and started over on a other could i link my candy crush level 1340 to it
I deleted my old fb account Cindy Mega Desmet , i can still play it offline on my phone , but on my new account Cindy Desmet i have to start from scratch on candy crush , which is absolutly no fun , so is it possible to link my old candy crush level 1340 to the account i use on fb ? on phone i play through the King account…
are you planning take candy crush saga to being fun again?
seems like the levels after 2000 are just meant to keep you playing until you get the perfect board, no strategy works. It is just a waste of time. Used to enjoy playing the game, not anymore. It's just a question of waiting until the perfect board comes up. Sad!!!
Won gold bars previously on Europe they were credited, this time won 16+ gold bars x 4 not credited
On this edition of Europe gold bars are won on 4 countries but none are credited why?
Why can't you fix the problems with this game?
Now, (after 3 days), the game finally loads, but gets stuck or crashes in the middle of a level. I've read many complaints about loading issues and crashing! It can't be everyone's devices. Mine is fine and all your "suggestions" have been done. The game isn't working properly. For a game that has made the insane amount of…
Where is my award for a contest
On January 1st i was by far the first on a leader board for Dexter's Striped Candy, with well over 2000 points. However, there is no mention of that contest anywhere. Please explain what happened to the prize. Thank you, Josephine
loading issues
for months now I have not been able to play on my tablet or my computer it will not load but if it does happen to it pops right back off so tired off this problem!!!
Fruit will not fall on Level 2255.
No fruit appears to fall on level 2255. No matter how many different ways you play this level, no fruit will ever appear.