cant log to my account
when i try to sign in with gmail but i cant access please help me i see like this when i sign in oops , an unknown error occoured so please help me to access my level thanks regard
Facebook Sync
I cannot sync my Fb account to the app. I am at level 1098 on Candy Crush but it seems that my app couldn't sync with my Fb account. It takes another email, another account. How can I do? Thanks in advance
I have 00.00.00 time left on the clock to move to the next level but it is not giving me a ticket.
I have 00.00.00 time left on the clock to move to the next level but it is not giving me a ticket to move to the next level. How do I move to the next level?
I just finished level 424-finally with a score of over 500,000. When the level cleared and went to
post the game error and didn't post my score- but it took away all the boosters I used. Please get the score posted- I don't want to do this level again.
Play quests
Hello I'm not able to play quests even more even after switching to airplane mode. Please advise.
Can not load Plug In
Since yesterday I can not play Candy Crush. I get a message saying "Couldn't load Plug In" I use Google Chrome. I went on Safari and works fine on Safari. But I can't use Safari for other things. I'm guessing it has to do with Google Chrome, so wondering if anyone else had this issue and what you suggest to fix it. Thanks!
I accidently synced my game with my husband's facebook account. I was at level 1455. Help
My game level is downsized to 47 level due to wrong facebook account sync.Pls help me!
Where is my mystery box?
I just purchased the $1.99 deal. 20 gold bars with extras and a mystery box. I got 20 gold bars and extras but I can't find my mystery box. Where can I find it? Or it was a bug like other people?
No mystery box in the gold bar bundle I bought.
There was no mystery box in the $15.99 gold bar bundle I bought. This is not the first time bars or boosters I've purchased have not appeared, but the first time that I'm actually angry enough about feeling continually ripped off by this game to complain about it. So, where is the mystery box, and where are all the other…
Please help!
Please help! I was charged 7 times for the $15.99 package and i only ordered it once ... can you please refund th