Losing lives
I can see that I have lives given by friends. Then I play a level and go to use lives, they are gone. Also, lives do not show up on my phone. Only when I play on facebook. My phone and facebook are synced. I have lost tons of lives given by friends. I just had four and they are now gone. This happens all the time. This…
Connected to fb, formatted phone, progress dropped several levels
I connected to fb and synced my candy crush saga progress there. When I reinstalled and connected with fb, I dropped several levels down. How can I get back to the same level without playing them again?
Hi I backed up my phone to my mac and restored it but Ive lost my game its sent me back to level1
Hi I backed up my phone to my mac and restored it but Ive lost my game its sent me back to level1 and I was on 1345 can you help please?
How can i get my level i am at558 level and today suddenly fallen down to level 1...what to do now.
how can i get my levels restored? I was on level 558 and was knocked back today suddenly to level 1..what to do now..I checked all possibility..app reinstalling and facebook connectivity and all..
How can I sync my data?
My mom was playing candy crush, not logged in with King or facebook, but it never deleted her levels. But i thibk she was because on mine she has her picture on the levels. She just started to play when she clicked "play" and not the facebook logo. But for some reason the screen wouldn't load and so i closed the app (she…
I'm looking for the answers to the questions but
How do you find the answers to the questions asked? I looked at one that said it was solved and I couldn't click on anything to find the answer. I don't get it. And how it works doesn't tell you what to do.
I am at level 680 and the waterfalls at the bottom of the game are missing on my page.
There is no way to solve the puzzle. I have checked on you tube and other places and my game is definitely incomplete.
Why candy crush notification is not working
why candy crush saga notification setting is not working on iPad notification setting? When the game it said notification is on game but when I go on notification setting iPad it not there.
Why doesn't Candy Crush show up in Settings on my iPad and interact with FB?
I receive Requests through FB and if I try and redeem them with my iPad, I don't get them. I have lost all of my extra lives, and tools because I have deleted and downloaded Candy Crush twice. Please fix this and give me my stuff back.
Candy Crush not working today??
I can't seem to load cc. When it does load, it just freezes...won't go to other episodes either...Anyone else experiencing this??