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No longer able to exit an unstarted board without losing lives - Information and feedback



  • Deryck said:
    Pounawea said:
    Your feedback is very much appreciated, it helps us understand how this change is affecting already your player experience. Did you guys start changing your strategies and the ways you used to play the game?
    @Pounawea It's changed the way I play all right; I play much less. lol Before, I used to be motivated to advance on the map on random days. Now, I don't even play to progress at all. (Of course, I'm still in that stage of collecting as much Sugar Stars as I can, so that's a factor.)

    I have not changed strategies; I've been playing so long I've already figured out the best ways to pass a level. Adaptation will mainly affect newcomers to the game. The multitude of long-time players will just leave or play less frequently.

    This "fix" is not up for compromise, King.
    I still have not seen what good sugar stars are for, other than a fuzzy warm feeling of accomplishment 
    Well, I don't know about you, but I'M the Mayor of Candy Town AND a Chunky Chipper (to which I take offense, lol) I'm not chunky, I'm fluffy and it's this game I have to thank for it! Ha! 
    Yeah, they seem purty worthless. It would be nice if they counted during star races, at least!
  • xofxof
    xofxof Posts: 13

    Level 2

    edited December 2019

    Pounawea said:
    Your feedback is very much appreciated, it helps us understand how this change is affecting already your player experience. Did you guys start changing your strategies and the ways you used to play the game?

    My new strategy for playing is logging into the game every fifth day (unlike the 5 times per day I used to) then maybe trying to spin the wheel of fortune if I am lucky to open it as it always scrolls away on my iPad (for example that is a fix I would have needed). Then playing one life or two, never using a booster as using boosters on the start board does not make sense anymore. Then getting bored. 

    Then closing the game, opening this thread, writing CHANGE IT BACK and then maybe opening the game five days later for the next two games. 

    So sad. I used to love playing CC
  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,403
    @mercerik if English is not your first language either, perhaps something has got lost in translation. Honestly, google translate is terrible. I hate using it.  I am aware that the CM isn't English as most of the others Cms are not either. 
    As a player who doesn't have that feature in my game then yes I don't feel the same. However I do know changes are not always great from things that happen in my games. I didn't even realise that you could do that! 
    I don't want to come across as rude in any way. I have been here some years now and dealt with many players. I just don't like others being rude either. Some of the comments have been uncalled for. That is what I don't like seeing. Some of the comments have been well written and they are the ones that if any, would swing in your favour. 

  • lkap
    lkap Posts: 8

    Level 2

    Pounawea said:
    Dear community,

    Warm welcome to all newcomers! 

    Your feedback is very much appreciated, it helps us understand how this change is affecting already your player experience. Did you guys start changing your strategies and the ways you used to play the game? If yes, please share it with the community. Keep your feedback coming  

    On another hand, to @WatchMEcRush21 comment and others, we are still in conversations with the Studio. As soon as we have it, the official announcement will be posted in this community. 

    Have a delicious day 🙂
    How?  I’ve been stuck on a difficult level,lost my boosters because they were put in places that do me no good.  If I’m lucky I get to play 5-10 minutes before I lose my 5 lives.  Then I have to move on to another non-king app because there’s no way you’re getting anymore $ from me after this so called “fix.  So yes,maybe my new strategy is not giving king anymore of my money.  Ya, that’s it!
  • Deryck
    Deryck Posts: 1,376
    @LuckyMe1189 Correct. The previous community mod, I believe, in fact confirmed sugar stars are only for design aesthetics/serve no use. Me being prob OCD, I can't have some levels with sugar stars while others are without though. I need the completeness. 😭
  • mercerik
    mercerik Posts: 3,617
    @mercerik if English is not your first language either, perhaps something has got lost in translation. Honestly, google translate is terrible. I hate using it.  I am aware that the CM isn't English as most of the others Cms are not either. 
    As a player who doesn't have that feature in my game then yes I don't feel the same. However I do know changes are not always great from things that happen in my games. I didn't even realise that you could do that! 
    I don't want to come across as rude in any way. I have been here some years now and dealt with many players. I just don't like others being rude either. Some of the comments have been uncalled for. That is what I don't like seeing. Some of the comments have been well written and they are the ones that if any, would swing in your favour. 


    You know what, we only have one thing that we are trying to reinstate here, and that is the Free Board Reset. You can't blame the players from voicing their sentiments. If you are not completely on their side, please don't pour gasoline on the fire that's already spreading by defending King Games and the Team. You are making matters worse. If you don't like some of their comments, let the Community Manager deal with it. 

    Don't doubt that English is my Second Language! I wasn't born in the U.S.. I majored English in College aside from taking Computer Programming. Speaking three different languages as I told Suzy is sometimes a curse. Unfortunately, there are times when the brain that controls the language gets overstretched and maybe confused especially when I talk in one language one minute and switch to the other after that. My son only knows English. I understand his reactions when he hears me speaking in another language on the phone. 

    I am not starting a fight with you or anyone. I am sure the Studio Team understands that this change really makes a lot of players very angry. There is no point of protecting them. You are just making matters worse by getting some here irritated. 

    In behalf of the players/members here who are still hopeful that something positive will come out of this, I am asking you to let @Pounawea handle this situation to avoid altercation with anyone here!

    Tack så mycket!
    ¡Muchas Gracias!   
    Marami pung salamat!
  • marialbeckwith
    marialbeckwith Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Please, please i demand you guys to get me out this kind nightmare thing.. I want to be able to sign up wit my Facebook email and therefore as friends for life to play.
  • TurboTim66
    TurboTim66 Posts: 51

    Level 3

    edited December 2019

    Please, please i demand you guys to get me out this kind nightmare thing.. I want to be able to sign up wit my Facebook email and therefore as friends for life to play.

    This is the place to let King know the game reset must be put back or they will lose a massive demographic of people with any kind of brains/common sense who do not like and will not tolerate being shown complete disrespect after years of loyalty.

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,403
    @TurboTim66 please do not be rude to other community members. 
    I understand the player posted in the wrong thread, but it IS their first post. They clearly did not realise where they should be posted but we want people to come back. 

    @marialbeckwith welcome to the community. As this is not quite the right place, in order to help could you please start a new thread :) 
  • TurboTim66
    TurboTim66 Posts: 51

    Level 3

    So: Player relations finally got back to me. Just in case anyone cares, because they haven't written this here yet as far as I saw:

    Thank you for contacting King Player Support!
    I completely understand your concerns about this, allow me to shed some light on it. :)
    It might help you to know that our Game Studios are constantly working on enhancing our games by introducing new features, gameplay or concepts. To ensure the change is a positive one, a randomly chosen group of players is always selected to trial the feature. We then look closely at how the change has been viewed and then decide if it's something we want to permanently implement in the game or not.
    I understand that this may be frustrating, especially if you're used to having the reset feature in your game. Not to worry! These groups change regularly so hopefully, you'll get it back again soon. 🌟
    I'd love to be able to manually add this feature to your game but I'm afraid here at Player Relations we have no control over how these groups are selected or chosen. Rest assured I've passed your feedback onto the Studio and fingers crossed, hopefully, everyone will soon have access to this new and exciting challenge.
    If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us again.
    Have a sweet day

    So I replied:

    Haven't had a sweet day since this blatant money grab spoiled something I was loyal to for nearly 7 years now. 
    And no, bizarre information like you gave me does not help anybody in even the slightest way.
    Please - tell me how removing the reset feature enhances anything about the game? Ask them to tell me maybe. 
    Do you even realize how insulting such a stupid explanation claiming 'enhancing' comes across to loyal players? Obviously not.
    Then please, pass on the the morons at the "studio" - you currently have a $2.99 sale, 20 bars, 1 of each booster and unlimited free boosters for 2 hours.
    Nearly every time this has ever come up, especially on a weekend, I don't hesitate to buy it and relax with satisfying game time for a few hours. Now I don't even play it, I now play family guy, a very average game that is now way superior to CCS.
    So - Not this time. In fact, never again until these idiots admit their stupid mistake. And if it is not in a hurry, myself and many, many other players will have deleted your game and you will never see us again.
    And if that happens, I seriously hope the entire platform collapses before yours and their eyes, it would be a thoroughly deserved and very just karma.
    From me and tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of others who were kicked hard and are being shown no respect for showing King years and years of loyalty and prior purchases that you will never see again unless this is sorted very soon - please also pass this on:
    Get stuffed King.

    They replied:

    Thank you for getting back to me.
    I completely get where you're coming from. When a game changes the way you're used to playing, it can take some time to get adjusted if you ever do become adjusted. As I mentioned, the reset feature could come back eventually but for now it seems to have finished testing and the studio will decide when/if it's coming back. 
    We value our players and we always look forward to hearing your feedback and I will be sure to leave your feedback with the studio. I'm sorry I'm not able to further assist with this. I honestly wish we were able to change the groups and add certain features to your game. 
    Candy Crush is indeed a popular game and it will have changes that can't satisfy everyone, this is one of the reasons why I try to play other games we have instead such as Diamond Diaries and the Bubble Witch games.

    So I said, and I won't say anymore:-

    Very good.
    You know I did ask - because you said they were enhancing the game, how does this blatant money grab enhance anything?
    FYI - i have CC Soda and bubble witch. You know why I stopped playing them? At higher harder levels, you cannot back out and reset the board. No enjoyment, no fun. Thats what a game is about, not having to spend money to progress, spending it because it is fun.
    None of these games are fun anymore. I think you and King are missing this so blatantly obvious point.
    Plus - you missed this I think - there will be no adjustment. There will be uninstall, delete, and probably never in my life again spend anything on any games because this is how the makers repay your loyalty.

    No, this will be it for me. No more money for you guys.
This discussion has been closed.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?