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Life requests stay in mailbox/ Lives do not get sent or received



  • georgeanno
    georgeanno Posts: 38

    Level 3

    I’m sorry I find this site difficult to navigate and figure out what is going on   Thanks for your reply. 
  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    edited February 2020
    Hello @queencarrie, Hearty Welcome to our friendly King Community :) 

    I am sorry to say that the "Lives" issue in the Candy Crush game was not cleared yet and update was not released.  
    But the team is working very hard to fix the issue and they will be sending the update very soon!  But, unfortunately, it is taking longer than expected!  

    Here is the main thread for you to keep an eye for updates and/or any news you can find out --->  "LIVES Issue in Candy Crush Saga"  

    Since I am directing you to the main thread, this post will be closed now as the Team would like to keep all the complaints and comments in a single thread. 

    Thank you very much for understanding!  Have a great week ahead =)
  • King_admin
    King_admin Posts: 3,945
    This discussion was created from comments split from: #TheCrushIsReal - Exclusive chance to appear in Candy Crush!.
  • socks22
    socks22 Posts: 0


    Why do i keep getting lives requests from friends who havent sent requests
  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    Welcome to this community

     I will give you a link: please go there and you will find the answer !!

    ☺ Good luck ☺
  • debs0630
    debs0630 Posts: 37

    Level 3

    The past few days when I try to use lives that have been gifted by friends they just disappear when I try to use them. It does not do it all the time but has done it about 5 times now. It has done it on my candy crush game on my laptop version and also my phone app version.  
  • corinnefisher08
    corinnefisher08 Posts: 0


    Every time I log in to play, several times a day, I have 10+ notices of 1 friend asking for lives.  I have sent numerous times since this started, but there's no way she is asking for 10 each time. Every time! Earlier, a 2nd person started accumulating a tally for same request. Please fix! It's annoying for certain people, like me! Thank you 
  • Hi @debs0630

    Welcome to the Community,

    Sorry to know about your Problem on Lives.

    Try Playing The Game on

    To Save Your Progress, login into King Account.

    If this doesn't help then  @Community_Team @Pounawea @Crazy Cat Lad @PummyRaj @bearwithme @Spinnifix @Werner_Cichy will help you further.

    I hope your Problem gets Solved.

    Have A Nice Day!
  • shawna14
    shawna14 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    I agree, I have to clear out 80ish life requests several times a day!!!
  • Hi @debs0630

    We warmly welcome you to the Friendly King Community's Candy Crush Saga forum.🙂

    Lives problem is a known issue.

    Our technicians have now isolated the cause of the fault and are creating a fix which will be available in a game update, version number (1.171), coming soon.

    Please make sure that you have your device set to automatically update apps, so it can be downloaded as soon as it becomes available.🙂  

This discussion has been closed.

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