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Feedback on levels 9126-9170



  • LindQ
    LindQ Posts: 562

    I see your suggestions, and they are things that have been discussed. But it is a big load of work to re-program how the game handles Oops-levels. But we are looking into ways of reducing them and find a good long-term solution. Any loss and/or compensation goes through the support team, I unfortunately have no power to restore anyone's boosters etc.

    The CMs should be able to forward all feedback to the appropriate teams 😊

  • LindQ
    LindQ Posts: 562

    I'd love to know what you mean by this! The down arrows/ingredient collectors are purely there to pick up ingredients/cherries, they don't block anything from passing through them or do anything else besides just picking up the cherries. Could you explain further?

  • steinein
    steinein Posts: 98

    Level 3

    edited April 2021


    This is rated normal but is nearly impossible as it is right now on Win10.

    It needs to be re-rated and/or re-evaluated.

    There's way too much to do, and not enough moves, when every move there's new licorice hitting the board and blocking the way out.

    Edit: Had to booster my way off it.

  • steinein
    steinein Posts: 98

    Level 3

    edited April 2021


    10 Moves were removed. This makes it ridiculously difficult to complete. So I am going to have to end up boostering out AGAIN to get past it.

    This is ridiculous. Week after week. if you don't get through within a couple of hours of release, you're pretty much screwed.


  • Marina_Zakon
    Marina_Zakon Posts: 72

    Level 3

    Not my favorites the endurance levels.

    @LindQ I am talking about the arrows that show exit points for cherries/nuts. They are too big and constantly blinking. Is there a way to redesign them?

  • rafa140493
    rafa140493 Posts: 72

    Level 3

    @LindQ level 9144 is not working, I try to enter the level but the level does not start.

  • John_58011
    John_58011 Posts: 212

    I was late starting, so had the advantage of warnings on 9127 and 9143. 9127 I selected all boosters plus the streak, ensure a CB x 2 combo to remove the locks in licorice for starters. Needed all the moves except only 1, to clear the level, by thinking on every move, with the CB x 2 combo made. 9143, de-selected the PGB of CB and S/R prevented the Oops. Hard levels ... 9050 the Magic Mixers were brutal, and could not be removed, and a few LH and FS were needed to see all cherries home. 9145 was very hard too, even defeated the Magic Mixers after a lengthy challenge with them and the licorice that was spawned.....there were not enough moves left to bring down the cherries booster free. The problem cherries were begin in lower outside columns, those two cherries to bring them to the exits. If 10 moves are taken off, the level will be insane. 9151 was a challenging enjoyable level, to stop and think every move and apply skills when the chance arose. Not finished yet, still to play the hard level 9169.

  • LindQ
    LindQ Posts: 562

    I'll make a note of that, thanks! We are working on revamping the visuals of things to make the game easier to read so feedback like this, while i can't do anything about it personally,is always appreciated!

  • Boybinary
    Boybinary Posts: 3,073
    edited April 2021

    So what was the point of dangling the Easter basket at the beginning of the last episode? It was so annoying not to get it at the end of the episode, was this CCS attempt to create anticipation for Easter? Not Impressed, correction was impressed but not in the good way!

    You should have just said April Fools when you got to the basket that would have been more clever!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?