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Feedback on levels 9771-9800!



  • Michael-6
    Michael-6 Posts: 987

    I resorted to using a lucky candy and got past the level. Have subsequently tried it a few times with no starting boosters and i'm always left needing 10 or more toffee swirls.

    Definitely needs a revision, a lower order of swirls is a must.

  • Boybinary
    Boybinary Posts: 3,073
    edited July 2021

    Thanks @Michael-6 I only play no boosters! I think it self nerfed after so many attempts but still not enough I got it down to 5 toffees left! maybe I will get a lucky board!

    no toffees in sight still need 5 @LindQ

    I am all good for a hard level but it has to be possible (math wise)

  • Michael-6
    Michael-6 Posts: 987

    Tried it again and 5 toffees remaining was the best i got too. I had 3 moves to spare and none dropped, so it looks like the level cannot be completed without boosters.

  • DieOmimi
    DieOmimi Posts: 42,594

    I was late today, had to do my "regular" work first. First episode ok, no higher booster consumption than usual. I had expected to have to throw countless IBG on the board after all the information here. So far everything is fine. 😅

    Will do the second and final episode tomorrow, whether level 9799 is fixed or not. I'm at least trying with the lucky candy. Since I haven't used one for at least 100 episodes, I should still have enough. I'll report tomorrow. Good night to me. 😴

  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,698

    Completed this weeks levels. I used a Lucky Candy for 9799 and was still way too concerned about this level. Been a lotta discussion about it. I used too many boosters to ensure my success. No UFO's, no gold, just hands and lollipops strategically used. There are only so many moves and there are so many toffee swirls to collect. Every move must count on this one. This one is a booger! I would change something, something!

    My favorite level was 9783. I was really into all those Licorice Shells big time. This made me realize that I no longer miss the Popcorn. Licorice Shells I now appreciate you. There are Coconut Wheels on this level too! Really like them also.

    Both episodes were okay by me except for level 9799 cause:

    ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ Oh Yeah!

  • Spieler_8675309
    Spieler_8675309 Posts: 4,308
    edited July 2021


    Feedback on levels 9771-9800

    Please note that only 30 levels were released on Win(blows) 10 this week...

    So the folks over in candy Hell are having an early week of it, OK.

    Anyway, did 'em; & no need to add to what was already said/written about the problem level(s), that's probably enough...

    Week 3 of the one episode per day experiment went as last week (minus one episode, naturally).


    If the Win(blows) 10 levels are going to be released in a state much closer to the final release, can the rest of the game also be brought up to scratch (such as working episode races and a chocolate box available for all players)?

    That would be nice, & long overdue.


    @Spieler_8675309, you certainly have been amusing me around the community!

    Funny and clever, so I see...

    Back at ya, sister Scoot; because (remember last month)...


    Yes, (level) 9775 was the only one I struggled with in the first episode...

    In 9799 you should definitely use a checkmark, if you've got one; I ended up using a crazy amount of gold bars and boosters because those toffee swirls (old waffles) just wouldn't fall/show.

    Same old story, once you start using GB you feel you have to continue or else the ones already used will have been wasted; but I should have stopped after the first 10...


    @Ditte, I know the feeling; I spent a crazy amount of GB on a level a long, long time ago.

    It still hurts when I think of it, my sentiments at the time were the same; I should have stopped after the first 10 GB.

    I hope a certain player does not read this.

    Yo (A of A), who would ya be referring to?

    Inquiring minds wanna know...

  • Albert_Heinrich
    Albert_Heinrich Posts: 2,619

    @Spieler_8675309, great to hear you getting the ER. You can use your GB's to convert into CC Karen and CC Ken. Judging from the post here, you can expect a huge increase in your investment.

    I do not have a link to the BOYBINARY Crypto exchange though.

  • Boybinary
    Boybinary Posts: 3,073
    edited July 2021



    Just copy and paste always free to my Wednesday waiting room club!

    It feels strange being the only one not finished with the episodes!

  • Boybinary
    Boybinary Posts: 3,073

    @Spieler_8675309 if you make @Scooterpie Puma her pants your gonna have to clean it! or at least pay for the dry cleaning!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?