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🚫 What happened to the extra moves when you click on give up? (fixed)



  • amismc
    amismc Posts: 26

    Level 3

    I am a paying customer and they still took away the 30 extra moves that you can accumulate. So when I purchased a special yesterday that was good for 24 hours it was only useful until I got to a certain level and then was worthless because without the extra moves I can't advance. Many times I literally got within 1 move needed to win that level but that would have required me spending more money but with no extra moves. I refuse to give a greedy company extra money so they can figure out a way to then not have me win the level because sure enough they'll switch it up. Essentially they don't care about customers that are paying or not paying players.

  • hearthomehappy
    hearthomehappy Posts: 49

    Level 3

    This is absolutely ridiculous. You’re right, it’s garbage -I regret the amount of time I’ve spent on this through the years. But it’s a shame to finally have something that can help, then it just goes away. They really mistreat their best players. I seldom give up the few gold bars I have but will do it once in awhile to get the 35 extra moves when it will make a difference. But will surely not spend them to get 5 moves nor go through those adds to get the 3 moves and a color bomb. This is ridiculous-I’d said before I was getting tired of it. Then I’ve gotten pulled in again when I’ve finally made some progress but if they pull off the extra moves, may as well forget it on these impossible ones. Plus I haven’t even gotten the one that allows you to watch an ad before you start to get an extra bonus in awhile. This game is too stressful, no fun most of the time lately

  • olgab
    olgab Posts: 27

    Level 3

    since I cannot move without the 30 extra lives [especially at my level] and I refuse to spend any more money looks like I will be looking at new games [hear cookie jam is good]

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,618

    Agreed @amismc this is part of the problem I was trying to explain. By trying to appease those paying customers that, quite rightly, feel they shouldn't have to pay for lives they have created a real problem for themselves

    I believe part of the reason for removing the extra moves is to test how many people are willing to pay there way out of the problem.

    Again this just goes to show that King do not understand human nature. After having the 30 extra moves in their games for so long I do not believe many paying customers will be willing to pay to get them back.

    As I said King has created a real problem for themselves

  • foxy
    foxy Posts: 80

    i am also a paying customer. playing candy crush is like being in an abusive take the abuse because of love.i really loved playing this game, but there is a thin line between love and hate.there comes a point when you had enough and move don't have to pay to be frustrated. appears there are lot of us suffering in this abusive relationship with King. i for one will move on unless changes are made .i have spent too much money and time not to be appreciated as a loyal player

  • TerriM
    TerriM Posts: 103

    Mine haven't returned!!! Not happy King! Can't do an update because it just had one, turned phone off, nothing. Will wait until next up date otherwise it's bye bye.

  • rabeyamikael
    rabeyamikael Posts: 4

    Level 1

    After playing for many many MANY years, I made it up to level 12,223 and now I have deleted it honestly tbh I never felt better, good riddance!!

  • darj
    darj Posts: 35

    Level 3

    I've been stuck on this same level for 4 days. The day before i spent 9.99 for lives and specials to only pass 2 levels. Taking away the extra moves was a bad move because i was paying for gold bars weekly. I'm not spending another dime on this game.

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