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Not getting sugar drop prizes. The machine shows up and shows I won a prize but nothing drops



  • proudnavymom
    proudnavymom Posts: 26

    Level 3

    What’s going on with the sugar drop rewards I get 180 out of 60 no rewards?
  • proudnavymom
    proudnavymom Posts: 26

    Level 3

    geneisan said:
    I am experiencing the same issue. I play the sugar track and get rewards until I reach 180 candies. Then nothing happens. No final reward and no countdown until you can play the track again. I am currently stuck with 177/60 candies.  I have tried clearing my cache,  restarting my phone,  uninstalling and reinstalling the game and nothing.  Customer service said to check the FAQ page and the community boards. Well I did and still no answers.  This is very frustrating. 

  • proudnavymom
    proudnavymom Posts: 26

    Level 3

    geneisan said:
    I am experiencing the same issue. I play the sugar track and get rewards until I reach 180 candies. Then nothing happens. No final reward and no countdown until you can play the track again. I am currently stuck with 177/60 candies.  I have tried clearing my cache,  restarting my phone,  uninstalling and reinstalling the game and nothing.  Customer service said to check the FAQ page and the community boards. Well I did and still no answers.  This is very frustrating. 

  • proudnavymom
    proudnavymom Posts: 26

    Level 3

    Type yoi deleted the app and reinstalled and lost all my boosters cause of this sugar drop issueur comment
  • Nicki_Burton
    Nicki_Burton Posts: 10

    Level 2

    I'm also having the same issue my sugar drop rewards are now 300 over 60??? What's going on?

  • Nicki_Burton
    Nicki_Burton Posts: 10

    Level 2

    Is there a customer care notify them of this problem?

  • crafty350
    crafty350 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Just did latest iOS update 12.1.4 on my iPad and noticed that the candy collection is not working properly.  I had to collect 60 more candies to collect a present and wait the eight hours to be able to collect again.  I have now collected 74/60 candies and it is not going to the screen to received the gift box.  Has the recent update affected Candy Crush or am I experiencing something else??
  • Rebekah209
    Rebekah209 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Sugar drop not working. I have168/60. WTH? Customer Service told me the thing as proudnavymom. Not cool. 
  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,162
    Hello again @Maureen-3,

    Actually, the glitch is not happening just at 60, but also at 24 and 36.  For me it varied.... once after first 24 drops, other time after second 36, once after 60.  It was random actually.  The above points I asked (a, b, c) were all the issues I saw in my game.  Hence, I have an idea of what's going on with the Glitch. 

    Most of the times, it got cleared by itself though... what I did was I continued playing if the Goodies Jar / kettle did not appear, and it worked... but not all the time!!  Since we are compiling all our complaints at one place, it will be easy for the Community Manager to look at it and take it to the King Team for a fix.

    Thank you for your patience & have a great day / evening  :)  
  • Roz_Fine_Itelson
    Roz_Fine_Itelson Posts: 8

    Level 2

    I got to 60 sugar drops but no rewards.  The display says 60/60. What's up? 

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?