Sign Up! issue: Why can't I send or receive lives/help on Candy Crush Saga?



  • moustache
    moustache Posts: 23

    Level 3

    Vanavond na vele dagen  één leven ontvangen en daar stopt er dan ook mee . De lijn wordt echter niet doorgetrokken .Het einde van de tunnel is blijkbaar nog niet in zicht .

    Met viendelijke grpeten
  • Lynn_Allen
    Lynn_Allen Posts: 22

    Level 3

    Translation  please. I know it's not German, that I can figure out....
  • Deejay100six
    Deejay100six Posts: 31

    Level 3

    moustache said:
    Vanavond na vele dagen  één leven ontvangen en daar stopt er dan ook mee . De lijn wordt echter niet doorgetrokken .Het einde van de tunnel is blijkbaar nog niet in zicht .

    Met viendelijke grpeten
    From Google Translate >> "Receiving one life tonight after many days, and it stops. However, the line is not continued. The end of the tunnel is apparently not yet in sight."

    Its Dutch. Strangely enough, I wasn't counting but fairly sure I just got extra lives but without notification.
  • moustache
    moustache Posts: 23

    Level 3

    Blijkbaar zijn ze toch aan het sleutelen maar met mondjesmaat .

    Vriendelijke groeten
  • jmorgison
    jmorgison Posts: 22

    Level 3

    Hopefully this is a good sign that maybe things are about to get fixed and back to like they were.  
  • Marilyn-3
    Marilyn-3 Posts: 79

    Level 3

    I'm having the exact same problem too. I've sent 4 messages for help, got 2 answers that they were working on the problem, was asked for a screenshot of the game, then nothing more. As for downloading the CC app, I did that for another game and lost ALL my favorite friends. You play with all new friends. 
  • moustache
    moustache Posts: 23

    Level 3

    Je kan het ook langs de positieve kant bekijken , ga bewuster en beter om met de 5 levens die je nog ter beschikking krijgt . Dit werpt ook zijn vruchten af . Natuurlijk met in het achterhoofd dat alles wel in orde komt.

    Vriendelijke groeten
  • Deejay100six
    Deejay100six Posts: 31

    Level 3

    Will be a week tomorrow without lives being sent or received. I just finished an episode so if its the same for tickets, thats game over for me.

    Funny kind of site this is, why no tech support personnel here to ask us about symptoms/screenshots etc., ?
  • jmorgison
    jmorgison Posts: 22

    Level 3

    Or no tech support personnel to help us with our questions??
  • Lynn_Allen
    Lynn_Allen Posts: 22

    Level 3

    I have been having the same problem for about a week. Comments are sent to Customer Support, and the standard answer, which has nothing to do with the problem, is sent back. I have even tried going through Facebook, because they have answered in the past, but not this time around. Apparently we are not the only individuals having problems, and according to the individuals who are able to get a hold of Support, it  is in the process of being fixed. When? Who knows.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?