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Help us bring back 30-minute lives!



  • tungrang
    tungrang Posts: 3 Newbie
    If king insists on 1 hour wait  i am going to delete the game finally. After 6 years of playing  good job king
  • Geokat247
    Geokat247 Posts: 1 Newbie
    edited August 2019
    A whole hour to wait! Ridiculous! Whilst it may help with my addiction to a game that I love and reduce my screen time it will reduce my daily de- stress opportunities!! Sort it out King! Oh and I still won’t be spending a penny on this game! 
  • SteveB63
    SteveB63 Posts: 1 Newbie
    Currently on level 4503, and now you introduce one hour waits for new lives.
    Worst "innovation" to the game ever guys, and with that, I will be saying Goodbye Candy Crush.
  • CCPlayerGirl
    CCPlayerGirl Posts: 8 Level 2
    On level 3631 and this 1 life per hour is ridiculous. The higher you get he more difficult and frequent hard levels there are. I left candy crush for awhile and it looks like I’m goin to have to just delete it for good. Been playing from the beginning so it’s really a shame. 
  • impossible146
    impossible146 Posts: 23 Level 2
    Today, if I am correct, is Day 4 of this change. I hope it goes away soon  :(
  • DannyQDC
    DannyQDC Posts: 1 Newbie
    I think the new hour between lives is a ploy to get users to buy additional lives.  Bad form, I say.  And I guarantee I won't be play as much if at all.  Maybe time to uninstall the app and give a negative review on Google Play. 

    impossible146 said:
    Recently the game updated so that lives take 1 hour to regenerate instead of 30 minutes. This has caused a lot of frustration for me and a lot of the community because now, instead of my usual 4 or 5 full sets of lives per day, now I can only use 2. Combine this with not being able to send lives to friends and the game goes a LOT slower.

    Hit the GREEN upvote button if you want 30 minute lives back!

    Edit: Nice to see some support. 3 votes! Keep’em flowing!

    Edit 2: 19 upvotes! Nice job! Let’s get those 30 minute lives back!

  • sgoff61
    sgoff61 Posts: 27 Level 2
    Today, if I am correct, is Day 4 of this change. I hope it goes away soon  :(
    I don't know if it depends on level, or if it was just a rolling update that hit different people at different times, but it didn't  happen for me until today.  In a way, that's a good thing because it means that more and more people will be speaking out as time goes by, hence the vast increase in comments today (assuming you originally posted on Day 1 for you).  It's definitely getting much more attention now but, of course, that is no indication of when or if King will take notice and actually reverse it.  
  • Jody_Norman
    Jody_Norman Posts: 2 Newbie
    I will boycott till they change the time back!  Also the booster timers are frustrating.  I have spent my last penny on this game.  Hasn't King made enough money?
  • Bigglesworth
    Bigglesworth Posts: 16 Level 2
    Agree with many points made above. Why is there no option to like these posts, unlike in other discussions? There are some very valid comments about the pointlessness of timed boosters when you have to wait an hour for a life.
    Yesterday, in the discussion "Why wait an hour for each game" we got this message from a moderator: "Our Game Studios are constantly adapting our games by introducing and testing new features, gameplay or concepts. The lives refill change is part of a test our Game team is running. No need for troubleshooting eh I understand that you don't appreciate this change, and I'll be passing your feedback onto the team 1 "
    Well, you know what, King? I personally hate being part of a "test group" and treated as a guinea pig. This particular "test" has been going on for 3 days now. All the feedback I've seen has been hugely negative - of course nobody likes this, what's to like? I think King really could have reacted in a timely fashion and stopped this nonsense. I've been frustrated before by the game crashing/not getting promised rewards/getting 5 lives when I already have 5/etc etc - we all know the niggly, irritating issues, but this really is too much. Shouldn't you guys be cooking up ways to make the game more fun and enjoyable, instead of alienating loyal customers?
  • swilliams62106
    swilliams62106 Posts: 1 Newbie
    I agree that waiting one hour for each life is ridiculous to the point that I too will probably stop playing. If this is a ploy to get us to spend money buying lives I don’t think it’s going to work. Doesn’t candy crush get enough revenue from the constant number of 15 and 30 second commercials we are forced to watch ?

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?