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No longer able to exit an unstarted board without losing lives - Information and feedback



  • Posts: 51

    Level 3

    @TurboTim66 please do not be rude to other community members. 
    I understand the player posted in the wrong thread, but it IS their first post. They clearly did not realiZe where they should be posted but we want people to come back. 

    Sorry Chicken. Didn't think it was rude. Edited to hopefully comply. Cheers, and whilst I have your attention-

    Can you tell us why CCS/King/Activision are ignoring this massive revolt at their insulting decision to kick loyal supporters over 5-7 years in the teeth with a blatant and greedy money grabbing alteration to gameplay that everybody has stated loudly and clearly that we all hate?

    I think that is pretty rude of them too. If only they would react to complaints like I did for you, hey? You complained once, I reacted.

    With King - Thousands complain for over a week, nothing... the clock is ticking.
  • Posts: 2

    Level 1

     I would think "king" that you want customers .Burleigh the changes you have made you are repelling them .We are not able to achieve why play? ??
  • Posts: 3,617
    edited December 2019
    I guess what I said didn't go through. I don't understand why someone would try to provoke a fight with members here whose main intention is only to restore the Free Board Reset which will benefit all if reinstated. I don't know what she gets for annoying and irritating players here this Holiday Season. Hopefully, it is worth her while.  
  • kezza321 said:
    They are trialing!! Read my post above. Answer from king. Hopefully they will listen to the community and revert
    In the immortal words of Larry the cable guy, "That's just funny right there, I don't care who you are"... LoL
    Keep hope alive kezza321. They "trialed" the reset for seven years and decided it wasn't in THEIR best interest to give players a "slight advantage", as they put it. They'd rather make the game impossibly difficult to try to force players to buy their virtual wares instead of buying them willingly because they wish to keep playing. Nothing short of being able to shuffle the board, at least ONE time, will be good enough if they don't reinstate the reset function. No one will buy boosters that are rendered useless by the game. It's preposterous that they even THINK it'll be accepted as the new norm. 
  • Posts: 3,617
    edited December 2019
    Hi Everyone!

    Let's focus on what we are trying to reinstate. Don't fall for any provocations and we'll be fine! 

  • Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I support the decision to make money. It’s not “greedy” as some people think/say. It’s business. 

    For those who mock others for paying for boosters - we all waste money on things we find enjoyable. 

    However, I will never spend money on Candy Crush again. It’s now 100% game of luck (where the boosters end up) and I don’t spend money on games of chance. 
  • Posts: 34

    Level 3

    To the people who rant that they are so superior because they have never purchased boosters, keep in mind that on the iPad I play on, there have never been movies to watch to obtain boosters.  The only thing I have to get boosters besides the daily spin wheel are color drops which give you useless timed boosters.  I just started playing this game a few years ago...not from the beginning like some of you and I am on 5340...so no one should put down others for buying boosters because they haven’t had the same opportunities as the rest of you.  I used to buy the piggy bank but I have stopped all purchases and deleted my credit card from iTunes in case i am even slightly tempted. 
  • Posts: 50

    Level 3

    And if this weren’t enough😂 my iPad today informed me that I was about out of memory. Choosing through the apps to delete, I thought it read “candy Crush Soda”, when it was the original - too late! I lost 127 lives, 125 coconut wheels, assorted other boosters and the stocking booster ability, plus a lot more. Ugh, I may as well start over (it did save progress through Facebook, just not extras). I had not planned on deleting the game, just not playing as much, and had just won the whole candy box. 😔😔😔😔😔
  • Posts: 50

    Level 3

    mercerik said:

    You know what, we only have one thing that we are trying to reinstate here, and that is the Free Board Reset. You can't blame the players from voicing their sentiments. If you are not completely on their side, please don't pour gasoline on the fire that's already spreading by defending King Games and the Team. You are making matters worse. If you don't like some of their comments, let the Community Manager deal with it. 

    Don't doubt that English is my Second Language! I wasn't born in the U.S.. I majored English in College aside from taking Computer Programming. Speaking three different languages as I told Suzy is sometimes a curse. Unfortunately, there are times when the brain that controls the language gets overstretched and maybe confused especially when I talk in one language one minute and switch to the other after that. My son only knows English. I understand his reactions when he hears me speaking in another language on the phone. 

    I am not starting a fight with you or anyone. I am sure the Studio Team understands that this change really makes a lot of players very angry. There is no point of protecting them. You are just making matters worse by getting some here irritated. 

    In behalf of the players/members here who are still hopeful that something positive will come out of this, I am asking you to let @Pounawea handle this situation to avoid altercation with anyone here!

    Tack så mycket!
    ¡Muchas Gracias!   
    Marami pung salamat!
    Until a month ago, my daughter had no idea this was possible, and she called it cheating. Gave me pause, but as US citizens, not unique.
  • Until a month ago, my daughter had no idea this was possible, and she called it cheating. Gave me pause, but as US citizens, not unique.
    Until a month ago I didn't know it was possible, either. I told a friend that's been playing since day 2 just about, she didn't know either. A week later, BAM...buhbye reset. I came to this forum to find out where my videos went, discovered this at the same time. Neither "loss" is okay with me. The response King gives, "trialing features" is hooey and proves two things. They don't care and they are not LISTENING. Canned responses passing the blame, throwing other depts under the bus, "we didn't do it, we can't fix it"... Then why even bother answering the email? Forward it to someone that DID do it and CAN fix it. Good grief. Nearly 1000 comments, 60+ pages, discussions devolving into in-fighting over semantics... With the Community "Managers" unable to manage the situation. It seems that "the customer is always right" does not and never will apply in this Kingdom. We are all peasants expected to pledge fealty and v throw gold to the troll to play a free game. And the rich get richer... I'm surprised they haven't commanded the forum be shut down. All jail the king
    Oops, I mean hail.... 
    Or DO I, lol
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