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No longer able to exit an unstarted board without losing lives - Information and feedback



  • johnhazell
    johnhazell Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Ok so have no idea how this forum thing works but on level 5939 without spending one cent but the changes this week are the last straw I know I’m a tight git but a game should be more about skill not dollars you are going to loose so many players unless you revert this 😡😡😡
  • Marmasicklebaby
    Marmasicklebaby Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Here’s my feedback. Since the change I tried to persevere with the game. I’m now on level 3156 (not even designated as a hard level). I’m only allowed 10 moves so I’ve played my 5 lives in a matter of about 3 minutes. And then I have to put my phone down and find something else to do. In fact King have succeeded in making the game MUCH LESS addictive! I am getting so bored of playing the same level over and over and over again (with the prospect of having to do this for every level going forward) that it has lost all appeal for me. Today is the somewhat sad but also entirely liberating day that I am going to delete the Candy Crush app!!
  • kezza321
    kezza321 Posts: 4

    Level 1

    So @Pounawea why was I sent the below email???
  • kezza321
    kezza321 Posts: 4

    Level 1


    I will be glad to answer your question related to why you cannot quit a level without losing a life in the process.

    You must know that our Game Studios are constantly working on enhancing our games by introducing new features, gameplay or concepts.

    To ensure the change is a positive one, a randomly chosen group of players is always selected to trial a new feature. We then look closely at how the change has been viewed and then decide if it's something we want to permanently implement in the game or not, and when this happens sometimes the event or feature will be removed temporarily. Regarding these groups, here at King Player Relations, we have no way to modify, add or remove the players that are selected, as it is all randomly generated by the game.

    Since this feature is currently on an experimental test it might work differently for you and your friends, such as having the possibility of quitting a level without losing any lives. Some players, like yourself, wont be able to do so, while others yes.

    Rest assured I've passed your feedback onto the Studio so they will watch this more carefully, hopefully, everyone will soon have access again to a new version of this feature if changes were made by the developer team.
  • JethrinaBodina
    JethrinaBodina Posts: 784
    edited December 2019

    To ensure the change is a positive one, a randomly chosen group of players is always selected to trial a new feature. We then look closely at how the change has been viewed and then decide if it's something we want to permanently implement in the game or not, and when this happens sometimes the event or feature will be removed temporarily. .
    Because they didn't read to comprehend your email. Their response is hooey. " of players is always selected to trial a new feature."
    It's not a "new feature" if, as stated in Pounawea's very first (now deleted) post, the reset was "never intended from the beginning" and that "we would prefer that you buy gold bars and boosters"
    This new thread was created, that post is completely gone. 
    Whoever responded to your email doesn't have the first clue as to what is really going on.
  • SagaR
    SagaR Posts: 187

    Whoever responded to your email doesn't have the first clue as to what is really going on.
    It is clear as day that no-one at King support has a clue as to what is going on! People have been e-mailing them, receiving responses, and posting the responses here (now they have unfortunately been removed, apparently because they are "private messages"). I read those responses before they were deleted and not one of them said the same thing! So what you are told wholly depends on who happens to reply to your e-mail.

    How is this even possible? How on earth can a company of this size run a support service that is so totally lacking of all knowledge, information and even training?

    This is the first communication rule that any company establishes: consistency! If a client asks your about Z, you reply Y. Always, without fail. With King, when we ask them about Z (removal of board reset) they reply Z, A, W, Q, K, 1, 5, &, and any other thing they happen to think of. Some people get told that this is a trial feature. Some people get told that a lot of players still have it. Some people get told a bunch of rubbish that has nothing to do with the question. And my personal favourite: the "helpful" member of the support team that blithely told the player: ""I understand that this may be frustrating, especially if you're used to having the reset feature in your game. Not to worry! These groups change regularly so hopefully, you'll get it back again soon.".🤪

    Hey, hopefully we all will get it back soon! 😂
  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,434
    @TurboTim66 thank you :)

    I am not actually against the players despite what certain posters think. It is not my intention to provoke at all and its a community. As its been pointed out, anyone can post here. 
    As someone who's job it is to monitor and float about, then yes. I do have a right to be here whether I agreed or not with the change. Despite what is being said against me, I have tried to keep impartial.
    As to the fact why people are getting different answers, obviously some teams were previously unaware. I am sure they are not now. 
    As to why they haven't changed. I honestly don't know. I would hope if they have a good reason they come out and say. 
    Personally I can see why its useful. 

    And for the posters who are feeling the need to defend buying anything on any games. You don't have to. Its personal choice.

  • LuckyMe1189
    LuckyMe1189 Posts: 50

    Level 3

    mercerik said:
    Until a month ago, my daughter had no idea this was possible, and she called it cheating. Gave me pause, but as US citizens, not unique.
    Hi there, @LuckyMe1189 !

    Sorry but I didn't quite understand what you were heading at! What is possible? What exactly is cheating? What is not unique about U.S. Citizens?

    Can you please clarify what you were referring to?  Are you referring to the Board Reset as Cheating? I didn't even know that this feature existed till it was taken away and reinstated last summer when the Moderator, Jelly_Jenny announced its return in June of this year.

    I am sorry about initially misunderstanding your comment! 
    I truly should have reviewed my post - danged autocorrect, and now I have no idea what I was trying to say? Duh! It did give me pause, but I figured if it was available why not?
  • LuckyMe1189
    LuckyMe1189 Posts: 50

    Level 3

    mercerik said:
    And if this weren’t enough😂 my iPad today informed me that I was about out of memory. Choosing through the apps to delete, I thought it read “candy Crush Soda”, when it was the original - too late! I lost 127 lives, 125 coconut wheels, assorted other boosters and the stocking booster ability, plus a lot more. Ugh, I may as well start over (it did save progress through Facebook, just not extras). I had not planned on deleting the game, just not playing as much, and had just won the whole candy box. 😔😔😔😔😔
    @LuckyMe1189 !

    I am sorry to hear that you are running out of memory on your iPad! I don't have an iPad. My son has one given by the  school. How much memory do you have there? Do you have photos and videos saved in your device? These are the ones that use lots memory. Do you use the iCloud to back-up your files? Do you know that you can also buy an iPad Memory Card to transfer some of your files to free-up space? Check on Apple Support to help you answer all these questions. 
    I deleted many old apps that I no longer need. I do use ICloud. I knew what I needed to do, just couldn’t believe I clicked the wrong thing and lost everything. Thanks for info, just need my boosters😢😢
  • gottime4dat
    gottime4dat Posts: 2

    Level 1

    You want feedback on how to further screw over loyal customers? What a joke. This is just another one of your insulting, money grubbing maneuvers that will continue to alienate your customers. Take away free boosters, glitches that force you to restart and lose lives, limiting moves (by very significant amounts). Seriously King, eff you. This was the straw that broke the camel. I'm not spending another cent on ANY of your games and come the new year, none of your games will be on any of my devices. You seriously suck. 
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