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No longer able to exit an unstarted board without losing lives - Information and feedback



  • zaysha
    zaysha Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Level 5727 here, I will not play until this feature is restored !
  • mercerik
    mercerik Posts: 3,617
    edited December 2019
    The Board Reset Thread No Longer A Highlight
    On The Community Opening Page

    I don’t know how long this thread will remain open. I have a feeling
    that this will be taken down sooner than anticipated because
    it is no longer one of the Highlights in the
    Community Opening Page.
    It was still there yesterday but not this morning.
    It used to be right below the Search Bar
     What are you looking for?
    and on top of
    the Community Contest
    Win Gold Bars and Exclusive Community Badges.

    I just want to alert you in case this Thread is taken down.


  • mercerik
    mercerik Posts: 3,617
    Deryck said:

    lol I think they'd be more concerned with losing engagement (relevance as you said) than simply closing one thread. They can shut down a thread, but they can't shut down people's discontent.

    @Deryck !

    Wake-up! We are in a Real World, not in Fantasy! 

  • imagwai
    imagwai Posts: 32

    Level 3

    dank312 said:
    I have not played the game since the ‘fix’. How many of you are also completely boycotting the game?
    I haven't even attempted a single level since the change. I was (and still am) on level 6005. Sorry King, but this change was the straw that broke the camel's back.
  • m_j_
    m_j_ Posts: 20

    Level 3

    I see King move this forum from the top of the opening page to the bottom.  I was thinking it was closed but it turned out they made you hunt to find it.  I will keep returning to the page until they shut it down.  I don't like people of companies taking advantage of the people who use their product.  I have learned that if we don't speak up and try to change a situation we feel isn't right then we have no one to blame but ourselves.  If we do speak up and nothing happens then we have a choice of staying and playing or moving on to some other game.

    I read that buying good bars and boosters was the same as playing slot machines.  For some people it a is choice and for other's it becomes an addiction.  I can't tell anyone how to play the game or how to spend their money that is their decision.  I will tell King to take their fix back and quit making the game no longer enjoyable for their loyal customers, they may decide that to stop playing and buying gold bars and boosters.  King's loss of they do.
  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,416
    For future reference and for correct information as several of you have commented on it. Threads move down the page when other threads are replied to. If this thread is not commented on, but others are, it moves down the page. It only stays at the top of the page if it is pinned or has constant interaction.
    There are not many threads that are closed despite age. Usually only if unsupported language or people have asked the same questions on many threads. Hence the reason old threads come back to the top. 

  • Kazza-3
    Kazza-3 Posts: 232
    Interesting, there’s now a forum post with a link to a survey... King wants to know all about how & why we spend money on the game.

    Maybe they are trying to figure out how willing we are to spend $$$ to deal with this ridiculous “fix”.
  • trishd186
    trishd186 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I’m about 4000 levels in and I’m done. Not being able to shuffle my boosters has caused me to not even waste my time using them. And to think... if I BOUGHT them and I couldn’t shuffle the board I’d be super mad. I too will be deleting the game bcuz I’m sick of playing the same level over and over and over. ✌🏼
  • 47480 views, folks, that's how many have come to this discussion. 68 pages in, TENS of thousands of people that want to know what the heck is going on with the game they've been playing for YEARS. So many views; how many have been seen on other social media platforms? 

  • Fury161
    Fury161 Posts: 20

    Level 3

    Took me took me a bit to find the tread again King!?! You trying to bury it and hope people just roll over? Pathetic! Then “superstars” come in and try to justify it!! Do you get free stuff for trying to explain there crappiness? The comments might have slowed but anger hasn’t. You will realise one day it was your loyal clients that kept you at the top. Not the ones that fly in and then out after playing a few levels. I’m here for the good of the community aswell
    Too bad the company isn’t.....
This discussion has been closed.

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