Vilken dåre!

Caution Two-Faced Supporter
Is Trying To Destroy Members
Of This Thread
Have you noticed that there is someone in this Thread on the
look-out and has been trying to taint the members who are in
Real Support of the Free Board Reset? The first time her real
color shows was when someone praised her and another
member. What did she do? She tried to make her look bad
on page 99 because she didn't want any competition.

She thinks she is better than anyone else. When I
called her attention, her attacks were shifted to me.
Not only that, she called me a Black Kettle on page 101
which is flat-out racist.

Important Note:
Have you seen her react and criticize Superstars comments here?
Her main agenda is to discredit supporters.
Observe when she starts attacking!
She is with the people who try to stir trouble
in this Thread. She is being groomed
together with that freaking Tick.
I wouldn't be surprised if she gets a title after
this is all over and done.
Be on the look-out!
She is not done yet!
She is here to carry out what the Superstars
can't do. Just watch!