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Life requests stay in mailbox/ Lives do not get sent or received



  • charlietbone99
    charlietbone99 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Why can’t I send lives to friends that ask?? This has been an issue for over a week jow

  • zocobea
    zocobea Posts: 5

    Level 2

    The messages from my friends asking me for lives are not deleted when I answer. Now I have 17 

  • meredithdumas
    meredithdumas Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I am having the same issue. I approve all of the lives but they won’t go away. When I close the app and reopen, they are back in there again.

  • Pounawea
    Pounawea Posts: 4,511

    Hello everyone,

    We have now a discussion topic opened to gather all your reports and information in regards to this glitch in the game. Please check out the following link to share your information. We will keep you guys updated

    📣 Sending and receiving lives: known issue - Updates -> HERE

    Once again, thank you all for your patience and your understanding while fixing the issue!

    [Closing this topic now to centralise all the information in 1 community topic - HERE]

  • Lucky23
    Lucky23 Posts: 0


    It seems to be a problem with the lives.

    I send lives to my friends (I have 40 in the box,sometimes 10 or more from the same people) and 10 min later I always have the same number.

    I don't know wat to do. The same problem by my friend.


  • Flanje
    Flanje Posts: 772

    Hi and welcome @Lucky23 It's a known problem. Please see CHEWING GUM

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,143

    Hello @zocobea and @meredithdumas Hearty Welcome to both of you to our friendly King Community 🤗

    Can you guys please tell me which game you are having this issue in? Is the Candy Crush OR Candy Soda OR another game? What device are you using? Also, can you please provide a screenshot?

    Please post your reply in the blank dialogue box provided below.

    Talk to you soon! Have a great rest of the day/evening 🌷

  • ahmedpullman
    ahmedpullman Posts: 1

    Level 1

    edited February 2020

    Life requests stay in mailbox/ Lives do not get sent???

  • Hey there.

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  • zocobea
    zocobea Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Hi PummyRaj,

    Thanks for your quick reply.

    It happens in Candy Crush Saga. As you can see in the screens shot below, there still are 19 messages (top on the left) even if I approved all the lives of my friends last time I was connected.

    Thanks for you help.

    Have a nice evening too

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