why does candy crush stop loading up to 5% only?
i have done all the steps listed in your troubleshooting page. but my game loads only up to 5%. this has been happening for the past three days. i cannot continue with my game. i am now on level 425.
How do I get my app "unstuck" from an automatic update?
My iPad does automatic updates on my apps and my CC Soda was in the process of updating, but just stopped. Now I can't even open the game. It says "waiting" under the app icon and the icon is grayed out. What do I need to do? I'm having withdrawal!
candy crush stops loading at 5%.
candy crush stops loading at 5%. i've asked this question twice already and still no reply. i cannot continue with my game.
Can you please update iPads the same time as mobile phones as I cant see very well to play on mobile plus it's to small did not even get to play them five special levels u had up on my iPad had to play on mobile and that wasn't fun and can u please update more than 15 levels at a time how about 30 I hope you read this i…
Stuck between level 75 and 76
I have finished level 75 and need to get friends help to go on to level76. The game will not let me ask friends to give me help to move on. There is a message that keeps appearing saying I have a chat still open. But I do not see where there is a chat open. Please help so I can go on. I really like the soda crush better…
Why can't I move past level 391 on Candy Crush Soda Saga?
I cannot play past level 391 on soda saga, and it's been this way for almost 2 weeks. I would like to continue to play, but I madpy delete the game if I can't find some answers. I've already asked about this once and was never answered.
how do I get past level 65 in candy crush soda
I have tried and tried and I cannot get past level 65 I am about to give up the game.
Level 391
level 391 is not populating with new candies. Is there a glitch? Cannot progress and the level is over in approximately 5 moves. Just keeps reshuffling.
Level 375 takes the fun out of Soda. Why make it so hard?
i don't mean to whine, but this level just isn't any fun. After more than 100 tries, it just isn't fun anymore. Please do something. I can see why so many are dropping out.
Not happy....was stuck on a screen with all greyed out levels
after installing the game, still greyed out from 391 on. I thought perhaps I got there by error, so went to the previous level. Played a few times and knew I had passed it already, so purchased some bricks and decided to pass it again thinking it was a glitch. Now back to the greyed out area and logged in here to discover…