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Why are you not fixing the issue with Candy Crush Soda?

Gaylene_Munro Posts: 2 Newbie
I have not been able to play for over a week now on my laptop. The game loads but does not let me get to my level or click on it when it does load enough to get to my level. I have followed all of the instructions I was sent. My laptop is up to date and I play the game on Facebook. I have been following the chats and many people are having the same issue I am having.When will this be resolved?

Best Answers

  • Xarly
    Xarly Posts: 2,509 Community Manager
    Answer ✓
    Hi all,

    I'm sorry this has been happening to you all but we appreciate you all trying to fix it. It seems, given all the troubleshooting that our awesome superstars walked you through, that the issue is sitting on Facebook's or our side. We are going to investigate it all and hopefully come back soon with an answer. This has been escalated but given that it's on Facebook (which implies we need to work together with them to identify it) it could take sadly a bit of time.

    We'll do our best to have it fixed and will try to keep you updated with any new information.

  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 13,814 Community Manager
    Answer ✓
    Thanks for reporting this guys 👍🙏

    I've reported this to the Studio and they have informed that they are going to look in to this. As soon as I know more, I'll keep you all updated.

    In the meantime there are a couple of workaround:

    - Play on mobile device if possible, just remember to connect the game app to Facebook or account so your progress can sync. NOTE! Boosters and lives do not get synced!

    -Play on Windows 10 if you happen to have it installed. You can download the app from here and remember to connect the game app to Facebook or account so your progress can sync. NOTE! Boosters and lives do not get synced!

    Hope this helps guys and thanks for your patience while we look in to this 🤗



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