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Jelly cake/Special Candy match freezes the game when destroyed - FIXED!



  • rusty586
    rusty586 Posts: 1 Newbie
  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 36,438 Candy Moderator
    Hello @DorothySanders Hearty Welcome to all of you to the Candy Soda section of our friendly King Community :) 

    I am sorry to hear that you are having issue with the Jelly Cake in your game!!  This was a bug that popped out for Android and Facebook players... Apple user should not be affected as per our information!!  

    Anyway, this bug was reported to the King team and they worked on it and fixed it.  Hence, it should not affect your game anymore!  If you are using Android device, please make sure you have 1.152.13 version installed to remove this bug.  

    This thread will be closed as I am redirecting you to the Main Thread where other players also have complained about the same issue.  Please head there for updates and to post your comments!  

    Thank you for posting in the Community!  Have a great rest of the day/evening! 

    P.S:  There are few contests going on in the Community for us to win some Goodies for our game.  I am adding them here
    1) Win 30 Gold Bars
    2) 20 Gold Bars are yours if you find the Differences
  • smoggy79
    smoggy79 Posts: 2 Newbie
    And its froze again
  • Gustopher
    Gustopher Posts: 4 Newbie
    I am having the same problem.  Playing on Android.  Just started today.  Happened about 5 times, all on what could have been level winning moves. 
  • Gustopher
    Gustopher Posts: 4 Newbie
    Happened to me about 5 times today on a spread the jelly level.  Every time could have been a game winning move. 
  • mvfeathers
    mvfeathers Posts: 1 Newbie
    edited November 2019
    QueenB said:
    Good news all 🙌

    All affected Jelly Cake levels should now be fixed on Facebook and Android devices.

    If you play on an Android device, you need to make sure you have the game app version 1.152.13 installed so please check the Google App store for the update. 

    If you have lost any purchased items during this issue, please contact our Player Support team here so they can assist and make sure you use the same email address associated with your game when contacting them so they can locate your game records. 

    Thank you all for your patience and collaboration and hope you have a Sodaliciouse day 🤗

    This issue is continuing and Google play is not showing any available updates. This has been happening all day for me

  • favg
    favg Posts: 6 Level 2
    The game freezes all the time the jelly cake explodes on level 3257. iPhone 11, game version 1.152.12,
  • favg
    favg Posts: 6 Level 2
    The game keeps freezing all the times the jelly cake explodes, I’m on level 3257. iPhone 11, game version 1.152.12
  • favg
    favg Posts: 6 Level 2
    The game keeps freezing all the times the jelly cake explodes, I’m on level 3257. iPhone 11, game version 1.152.12

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