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💎 Diamond Diaries Poll #1 💎 - What level are you on?



  • wandamc
    wandamc Posts: 73

    Level 3

    Over Level 901

    Level 2480 😊 Waiting on more.

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,722
    Over Level 901

    Wow! Masterful! You completed max level on this game again! You are amazing Diamond Diaries Hunter! Well done again! @wandamc 👍😄

    Hehe! Me too! 😁

    Anyway, thank you for your voting this poll discussion. ❤️😊

  • Level 1 - 250

    I don't play this game, thanks.

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,722
    Over Level 901

    It's very okay! @Havish 😊

  • Diana_Smith
    Diana_Smith Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Over Level 901

    Level 2540

    Waiting for new levels! I love Diamond Diaries!

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,722
    edited November 2021
    Over Level 901

    Wow! Masterful! Congratulations! You completed max level (Level 2540) on this game! You are amazing Diamond Diaries Hunter! Well done! @Diana_Smith 👍😄

    15 new levels always released on this game every Thursday (Coming on tomorrow). 😉

    Anyway, thank you for your voting this poll discussion. 😊

    You can also participate and answer here (🦃 A Thanksgiving Hub Contest! 🦃), here (🎃🎃 Enter the Spooktacular 2021 Community Hub Halloween Contest 🎃) and here (🍡🍬🍭Let's celebrate Candy Day🍡🍬🍭) that you can chance to win gold bars and boosters on this game! 😉

    Also check another exciting news and threads (click on spoiler warming button here) :

    💫From King with love Learn more about our sweet initiatives

    🍫 Badge of the Month - November HERE 🍫

    The Audio team needs you! Meet the Kingsters who "set the tone" at King here!

    What is your favorite King game? HERE

    The King Audio Lab HERE! 🔉

    Art Nook: King Fanart HERE! 🎨

    🍬 Candy Day: Vote and collect a sugarsweet badge HERE!

    Have a nice and safety day! 😊

  • Level 1 - 250

    I'm on 166 level❤

  • wandamc
    wandamc Posts: 73

    Level 3

    Over Level 901

    Waiting on more 😊

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,722
    Over Level 901

    That was so fast! Amazing! Welcome to play Diamond Diaries Saga! @namal_butt_01 💎😄

    Thank you for your voting and answering on this poll discussion. You are amazing Diamond Diaries Hunter! Well done! 👍😄

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,722
    edited November 2021
    Over Level 901

    Wow! Masterful again! Congratulations! You completed max level (Level 2570) on this game! You are amazing Diamond Diaries Hunter! Well done again! @wandamc 👍😄

    Me too! 😄

    And thank you for your voting and answering on this poll discussion. ❤️😄

    You can also participate and answer here (🦃 A Thanksgiving Hub Contest! 🦃) and here (💛🧡 King Community Quiz 🧡💛) that you can chance to win gold bars on this game! 😉

    Also check another exciting news and threads (click on spoiler warming button here) :

    📔💡 Fun Facts and Beginner Story of Diamond Diaries Saga here 💡📔

    💍 Diamond Diaries Guides and Polls 💍

    💍 Show your longest link shining charms and new sassy score here! 🤩

    💫From King with love Learn more about our sweet initiatives

    What makes our Kingdom so special HERE?

    🏁🚙 Road to King Community Legend and beyond! Levels, Points, Answer, Badges and more HERE!

    📰 Community Newsletter- November Edition HERE

    Member of the Month- October 2021: Racoon7 HERE

    🍫 Badge of the Month - November HERE 🍫

    3️⃣👑 Let's celebrate our King Community Third Anniversary - Get Badge HERE! 👑3️⃣

    👑 Join our Kingdom and get this royal badge HERE!

    🎶 Meet the Audio Team and share your feedback HERE!

    The King Audio Lab HERE! 🔉

    Art Nook: King Fanart HERE! 🎨

    Have a nice and safety day! 😊

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