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Level 3549

GaPeach71 Posts: 1

Level 1

edited February 2023 in Support

Cannot pass the level because the third diamond gets swept up out of play instead of falling down so you can win. Please fix & thanks so much 😊



  • wandamc
    wandamc Posts: 73

    Level 3

    edited February 2023

    Level has a flaw, Last diamond does not fall. Tried multiple times.

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,288
    edited February 2023

    Hello again! @wandamc 👋😊

    That was so fast to pass first 3 new levels successfully! Sassy! 👍😮

    Yeah! After both of the diamonds collected completed, the last diamond pushed up then cannot be dropped down on the board. this happen for me two times too but I try playing again then finally the last diamond pushed up them dropped down on the board successfully when I have still 3 moves left. So I did passed this level without using boosters and extra moves again and with my 4th try today! ✌️😊

    You can keep try playing this level again, the last diamond should be pushed up them dropped down on the board successfully when you have still 3 (more than 3) moves left then you will passimg this level successfully too. 😉

    I have checked playing all of these new levels (From Level 3546 to 3560) today, there is still no problem for me to be passed while I did passing all of these levels without using boosters and extra moves possible but it's still masterful hard and should be more skills and also some luck! 🤞😊

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  • wandamc
    wandamc Posts: 73

    Level 3

    edited February 2023

    Ummm I just used ALL my lives( 10 of them to be exact) And have 4 moves left AND still didn’t drop the last diamond.

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,288
    edited February 2023

    Okay! Thank you for your answering again and showing the screenshot of this problem. 😊

    Let me asking this problem to Community Team now first then we hope this level's problem should be fixed soon/later. Please be patience and thanks for your asking this problem. 🤗

  • Andy_Green
    Andy_Green Posts: 229
    edited February 2023

    After collecting the first two diamonds, the third and final diamond disappears at top of playfield making the level impossible to finish.

  • ARoeh
    ARoeh Posts: 10

    Level 2


  • itzidp
    itzidp Posts: 8

    Level 2

    Same issue!!

  • MovingShadow
    MovingShadow Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Same here too

  • icetrap99
    icetrap99 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    edited February 2023

    confirm... the programmers are very fool...

    in italian: i programmatori sono dei veri idioti...

    Hanno già dimostrato in più occasioni di non conoscere nemmeno la tabellina dell'1

    ma ultimamente come stupidità stanno veramente superando sè stessi...

    programmers are real idiots...

    They have already demonstrated on several occasions that they don't even know the multiplication table of 1

    but lately as stupidity they are really outdoing themselves...

  • Jill133
    Jill133 Posts: 23

    Level 3

    edited February 2023

    Yes! I kept thinking it will reappear somehow but I don’t usually have more than one or two moves left.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?