the orange 'experiencing problems' message pops up often when retrieving lives with the envelope

Posts: 1,976

there appear to be two ways to make this happen on PCs(tablet was ok)
- retrieve 10 lives in one playing session ... the orange message can appear after retrieving 10 lives .. or may happen on game #11 #12 ...
- chrome acts up when 2000 lives are saved - no lives can be retrieved ... with gameroom after 500 lives are saved the orange message appears
more often(but lives can be retrieved)
today's thought ... if there is a 10 lives per session limit(on purpose) ... here is a more meaningful message0
Hey @abe_coffee - Thanks for sharing this! I'll have to check with our Studio because I'm not sure about that one. I will try to provide you with an update asap but being the holiday season, that might take some time.
Thanks! And happy holiday!0 -
here is "Try again" with buttons ...0
Thanks for that! By the way, I would need your core ID please - To find it, simply follow these steps from your computer:
- Go to your FB account, click on the arrow on the top right corner, then go to Settings
- Click on Apps and Websites from the menu on the left
- Click on Bubble Witch 3 - View and Edit
- Scroll down to the "Get help from app developers" section to find your User ID for the game.
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??? ... core ID??? ... Bubble Witch??? ...
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Wrong game indeed, but replace bubble witch by Alphabetty, the process is the same!
It will give you a serie of numbers that will be the core ID I need. Thanks0 -
I'm not very good at FB ... did not get very far ... found settings .. but not Apps and Websites
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Hey @abe_coffee - That's because you clicked on your browser. You have to click on Settings from Facebook, like this:
Then on the left, you'll see a menu > Click on Apps and Websites:
Then click on AlphaBetty, View and Edit:- Scroll down to the "Get help with using AlphaBetty" section to find your User ID for the game.
I hope that helps0 -
got it ... thank you ... what do I do with it? ... is there a developer to contact?
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hello ... it is Jan 13 2019 ... Queen Mia are you still supporting king community?
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