the orange 'experiencing problems' message pops up often when retrieving lives with the envelope
hello ... it is Jan 16 2019 ... is anyone there at king? ... I hope you had a good holiday season
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Hello @abe_coffee and, OMG, I'm really sorry, I've missed your messages
Please give me your Core ID and I'll pass it to the Studio for them to investigate. I take it that it's still happening?
Thank you!0 -
yes it is still happening ...I can send you the ID ... is there a secure way to send it?0
You can send it to me via PM if you want but there's not much other people can do with it, so don't worry, it's safe to share it1
sorry, I am reluctant to put out such a powerful number in the forumafter all, if this number can get a developer to act it should be kept secretI will need help with messenger ... do we need to be friends?0
Hey @abe_coffee - No need to go to Messenger, you can send it to me on the Community!
There's the option to send messages - Click on my profile and click on Message. You'll then be able to send me a private message from here.
Then keep an eye on the Menu (at the top the screen), you'll see an envelop and a notification on it once I answered
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sent a message ... did you get it?0
the magic number has been sentwhat happens now?0
new data for firefox:
today with 2363 lives ... after retrieving 5 lives the orange message appears
old data from other players:
chrome ... seems to act up at around 1000 lives
chrome ... may lock up at around 2000 lives and may not allow lives to be retrieved
gameroom ... at around 500 lives ... limits the user to 10 lives before the orange message appears
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