the orange 'experiencing problems' message pops up often when retrieving lives with the envelope
Hi @abe_coffee,
I hope you're having a great day!
The Studio got back to me on this one and needs some clarification:Looking at the orange picture - Is it what you are suggesting we show in case we actually have a 10 live limit (which we do not have for all I could find out), or is it what you actually see?
Can you clarify what actually happens? Are you seeing a specific screen? Is the game crashing?
That would be great if you could give us more details as to what exactly happens to your game or if you have any suggestion on how we could improve the experience.
Thanks a lot
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thanks for the reply
the 'confusing' orange screen is a suggestion to tell the players that they are only allowed to get 10 lives per session
do not let this confusing screen prevent the studio from investigating this problem
here is what happens:
this may be a problem only seen on PCs
... each browser appears to act up after a certain number of lives are saved
... the 'normal' orange appears to indicate 'a' problem
... the player must restart AB
... this is VERY irritating if the player must scroll down when trying to get 3 stars on a previous level(for example - when scrolling to level 115 from level 870)
the android code may be okay(my tablet has 365 lives and works fine ... more testing is required)
I hope this helps
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chrome test results with about 1800 lives saved:
only 5 lives can be retrieved before the orange screen appears
The 5 lives are retrieved ... one game can be played ... then the orange screen appears
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PCs still have a problem ... recent testingchrome fails with 2276 livesgameroom fails with 535 livesandroid code may be working ... tablet okay with 693 lives0
Hi @abe_coffee, I hope you're getting ready for the weekend
The Studio confirmed that this got fixed with yesterday's release. Could you please confirm and let me know if you spot anything wrong?
I'd advise you to clear cache and cookies and make sure you have the latest update!
Thanks!0 -
it will take awhile to build up lives to test chrome - clearing the cache clears the livesfirefox ... cleared the cache ... firefox still fails with 2364 liveschrome ... still fails as is(without clearing the cache ... am sceptical that clearing cache will help)gameroom testing in progress ... retrieved 30 lives without the orange error message... it is too early to declare victory but there is hope!!!!!!!!
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gameroom has not failed yet ... but the number of lives have dipped below 500... will resume testing after the lives are greater than 6000
latest testing:
gameroom started with 617 lives ... used 24 lives ... did not fail
it appears that the code for gameroom has been fixed
let's give the developer a standing ovation
unfortunately, the orange message still shows up with chrome and firefox
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HI @abe_coffee - Thanks for all these details. I'll pass these on0
thank you for staying on top of this
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