Legendary.Team recruits new member (dot in the middle of the name)
Hello everyone. I'm looking for an active player. If you can do 1000 or more trophies a day, I will be happy. 500 a day is the minimum when we have a big lead. If you want to join, please write to me. We have 131 194 trophies for now. I am looking forward to you :-)
Hi, I'm mitolóko, I was un tour team but I had problems with my account more than one week and gavi banned me. I have te account back again but I search the team again and you don't appears me again. I'm full of tickets and ready to so my best. My I'd is: 13214547242
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Hi Mitoloko. I'm sorry, but I can't leave players on the team who can't handle the limit. We are full now, so our team is not visible to you. I'm sorry. Should I write to you when there is a vacancy?
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Gabi! Who are you? The game Start ❤️
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