COTR Community Team!
I would be
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@GetHanked I think @Calmbutcrazy applied.
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Did you see that?
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Does anyone know if the Bandicoot Pass would be reset if I joined a new team? I am already to tier 19. Or is it better to finish first before joining a new team?
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No,it won't effect the Bandicoot Pass.
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Ok thanks
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Ultra instinct mode activated โ๏ธ
That happened when @hanautaBOB became the " KING " ๐คฃ
Happy weekend ๐ all
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@Joey_YouTube I wish I could play past 200 trophies on Dino might map, twice now I got to around 200 and has just crashed even one time I forced died on 199 and then on 217 it crashed lol ๐
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Awesome ๐ If you want to set up a team named COTR Community2 I can direct people to you who want to make a secondary community team ๐
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Hello, I'm doing 100-150 on bear it ๐คฃ I could almost double it before the update
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