why are my points not adding up when playing rancid raccoon..... I match 3 for 8 points and it takes off 1. you will never win at that rate.
No awards
I have lost several awards "beans" from many levels since glitch. Will we be given a bonus of beans? I was told send user ID to receive them, but have not as of yet
Change value feature
I watched a video and at some point a pop up appeared which states "Change Value" "what value to change this to? How can I access this feature?
How come my name isnt listed on the high score list
I have the high score on farm hero saga but my name is not on the high score list
Farm hereos
Why I can’t download farm hereos to my iPhone
I have a problem
I want to put the game on, my 3581st level is locked even though I broke the 3580th level. What is the problem?
An answer please !!
I donated in Farm Heroes Saga and I want to ask you why my bonus ads no longer appear, and when a level is lost I am no longer given those 5 moves
How do I synchronise my progress?
Hi, My progress is registered through my Facebook account and I want to leave Facebook in the near future. How do I sy cj my progress with king.com so that I’m the future I can choose to move to my Apple games account? I only play games on my iPhone and iPad anyways. Thank you for your help with that. Best wishes, Amé…
Treasure chest will not go away
I am on level 343 and a treasure chest dropped in, which is great, however every time I click on it and click OK it just goes back to the same spot and will not reload the game. Any suggestions on how to stop this? I have just downloaded the newest update and turned my phone off and back on. Nothing seems to help.
How do I log in to King games?
I have found that if I try to log in to any one of the King games, I now get a loading screen which asks for my date of birth. I cannot proceed beyond this even if I do fill in the relevant details as the submit button is greyed out after completion anyway. So there is no way of getting into the game. Kate