My iPad crashed I lost my place bars beans tools how do I get back???😂
I am so bummed how to I get my level gold bars beans back I have spent so much time and money
boosters removed
I followed your recommendation, and it did not work, but I am playing from my tablet, I do not have boosters, they are locked with a padlock, I am at level 942, any other solution? thanks If you are playing on a mobile device, here is a solution that was given out for this glitch ---> RE-PLAY the levels in which those…
Why haven't I received gold bars for completing the second Golden Egg challenge
Why haven't I received gold bars for completing the second Golden Egg challenge
I can't move from level 3145 to level 3146. The game is blocked
I can't move from level 3145 to level 3146. The game is blocked
(Unsupported Language)
** Edited by CM - Unsupported Language **
Cannot move past level 3145
Just completed level 3145 and can't move on but I can see others have been able to, so why can't I?
Days played
Why is when I continously play every day and then when I get to a certain number it makes me start over again. Stating I have to have continuous play.
Noticed this twice in the last couple days, after not seeing it in approximately 3000 levels. I used the tractor booster to specifically take out a certain crop, so that it would drop into a match. Example: Onion Onion Apple Onion I took out the row with the apple, to get the onions to match. Only after I used the tractor,…
Fram Club Rewards showing as numbers on icon, but can't be found in reward section.
Hello, this is a picture from our Farm Heroes Saga Help group at Facebook that I founded. I have the same problem with the account I am playing on, but with A 3 SHOWING INSTEAD OF A 2, WHAT IS THIS ABOUT ANYWAYS...?
accident deleted
i deleted my farm heroes saga app. it was an accident. i play on ipad and have no connection to facebook. is it possible for me to get it back? it was level about ca 1600 and it was a hard work for 4 years...i am so sorry. thank you for help