Game won't play
Is there a problem with the game because I haven't been able to play for a week? Every time I open the game it says oops something went wrong so I refresh it and it says the same thing!
How do I win gold bars in Farm Heroes Saga?
I have been playing Farm Heroes Saga for some time now and have not won any gold bars in a long time
Need help with a purchase made!
hi yesterday 29th nov i paid 9.99 for 70 gold bars i didnt get the gold bars but the money has been taken after i requested the gold bars the creen said there was a error and payment failed but the money has gone out my account can you help please
The shovel on level 5 isn't lined up.
At level 5, when it highlights the shovel it does not line up. So, nothing happens when I click on it and I can't go any further. I have uninstalled and reloaded about 15 times in the last 2 days and it happens every time. Help!!!
How to get gold bars?!
How do I get gold bars? **EDIT: Personal Information**
why has my picture changed in farmheroes saga
my picture use to be this but it has now been changed to this yet on my other games it is as first pic so y has it changed in farmheroes saga
Different Levels
This time new episodes (2785-2800) opened for me on tuesday and the episode completed by me on wednesday. Upto the morning of today i.e. 28-11-2019 the further Levels were under the clouds. Just for a test I uninstalled my farm heroes app from Mobile and re-installed. I was amazed to see that the further levels which were…
Lost Boosters!
This discussion was created from comments split from: Why we love Farm Heroes Saga <3 Lets have a happy thread!.
why am i starting from beginning again???
logged on and it starts me from level 1
Farm hero's saga.level 2578
I've been on this level for ages. My problem is the game is not giving me any strawberries. The most I have received is 10. Is the games figged and will it eventually give me what I need.