Not getting events and quests since 20 days, please resolve
there are no events and quests in my account since 20 days and wrote to customer care regarding this but still the issue is not resolved.... it’s the events and quests which gives rewards....please resolve this ASAP
Problema con recibir los premios de eventos
Buenas tardes! Llevo ya muchas semanas sin recibir premios por eventos, sobre todo los de los primeros niveles de estos, y al parecer se ha cambiado la dinámica del tren chu chu, en el que solo hay cajas naranjas, de las cuales nunca recibo recompensa solo tiempo de vidas ilimitadas, y no solo en el tres chu chu, también…
How to pass the level 1975
It's been impossible to pass the level 1975. Something is not right. I'm getting tired of this level. It's to upsetting to get trying and trying and go anywhere. Please King fix the bug .
My game doesn't start since one week ago
Hi My game, "Farm Heroes Saga" crashes during starting. So.... I'm not able to sucessfully start the application. Help me please, I don't want to lose my game status and have to start everything again. Is there a way to preserve data and reinstall the game? Thanks
Farm Heroes 1974
Before I waste more time, is level 1974 possible to pass. It's getting ridiculous now...every level needs tweaking .
Farm heroes level 1977 amount of moves
What's this new thing of giving a piddly amount of moves on the harder levels which makes it impossible to complete. It is getting boring now and not fun anymore when you know it is impossible and you have to wait 48 hours for the game to give you more moves.
Level 1907 FHS
Having a mind boggle with 1907 FHS and hoping for any input please. 20 moves for 3 beetles, 40 water 110 strawberries and 9 flowers! It takes min 5 moves to get rid of beetles, then min 3 to get a water drop to then plant 9 seeds -that's 17 moves just there - I get it's a 'hard' level but I won't even use boosters now…
Application bug
The games does not start since yesterday. Please fix this.
Farm heroes saga crashes! Again!
The game crashes after the orange screen when starting up the game. Last time (two weeks ago) it happend asswell, i was in level 936! I had to delete it from my phone because nothing worked! Now iam in level 150 orso and same thing happens again.. Orange screen, loading and closes (no starting up the game!). I don't want…
Hi! I m level 1163, and my achievements in profile are all still 0%. Is there a problem? Is there something special to do?