Collect flowers for rewards!
Join Farmers in collecting flowers by naming a flower in this thread!
piaandersson said:@kingkat28 when you contact support through mail that is not a real person that answer that one at first. It is an computer automated reply. And they suggest some genrell action one can take.
If you read what @queenb had said in this thread king knows that the loadingproblem was on there side otherwise they would not have fixed it.
You talking about lost rewards. No one else has said that they lost anything. So did you see that the numbers on yours reward have gone down so you see that you lost them, then it can be the bug I wrote about. https://community.king.com/en/farm-heroes-saga/discussion/275853/unlimited-usage-of-the-boosters-reported-to-the-studio/p1
No one has said that they have return to day one in daily bonus. (One get back to day one if you don´t log in every day). But now when game was frozen it became frozen were you was. And it start counting again when the game start working again. So if you logged in when it start working you haven´t missed any reward.
Complain about that sertain levels are hard, is it about level 2346 a rancid level that you started before so please contiune about that one in that thread so everything about that level are at one place.
If it is another level that you now think is to hard, start a new thread about it so the king team get information that it is to hard. And let this thread be about the problem whit the loading problems that was. Oh ok this game needs to be looked into, have been on it for a month couldn't get under 100 let alone when they upped the drops to collect. Just have to wait for them to fix it. Thanks for your help.
This game was changed when i was playing it, drops upped by 50 to collect which made it impossible imo have been playing farm fo 10yrs, have no idea why the deliberately make it harder after it was already really hard and I asked to fix it they instead added more drops to collect. When they send an email they will tell you to go to videos, those videos are either out dated or nothing like mine. Any way thanks for your help I will just wait to see if they fix it otherwise wont be playing.Chicken_Slayer said:@kingkat28 I understand you are frustrated but please try to keep comments friendly. Are you playing on King.com or Facebook?
Have you seen this help article here?
I can honestly say that your comments about fixing levels are wrong. Some levels have been changed over a dozen times that I know of, many I haven't caught or updated. If you have a problem with a level then giving feedback is handy as the studio do listen. This is from me, a player who blogs and makes videos for my own channel and blog. So I do know levels are changed often. Sometimes its not for the better, sometimes it is but they don't just make them harder and leave them they also change again. Some of those that have been changed over a dozen times were made harder many times and easier many times and ended up easier than they were to start with so respectfully, I disagree with that. I have many folders of old videos to prove it.
As regards the rewards, its annoying but they are free, you will get them again when the game is up and running.
If cleaning doesn't work, please come back and let us know which browser you are using (Have you tried another) which version of windows and if playing on King.com or Facebook and your game ID would be handy too, thank you
Thanks for your reply, informative and helpful. will post the level think I had already but got no replies, will try again.Chicken_Slayer said:Honestly @kingkat28 I promise they do but not always straight away. And even better when you are trying to help people, sometimes they test it and only change it for some.
The outdated videos are because they change so many levels that bloggers don't have time to change all even if they knew about them. Honestly, I deleted 30 videos in the last couple of days and had to remake them and they were old levels that I only redid last year.
I know if people comment on mine they have changed, I proritise them for remaking and will try to make them before anything else. But they won't know unless people tell them, so its always a good idea to let the youtuber know too.
So the best way to get feedback. When you email them and they tell you to go to youtube, tell them, thanks but its a new change and they haven't got any newer ones. And just ask them politely to pass on the feedback.
Secondly, post the level number in the community as a new post, explain why its impossible and the reasons for it. And we will pass feedback on. If enough players complain, they listen. And recently in the community they did change two levels because of complaints. Now is the best time more than ever before as they have realised that they need to listen to their players finally. Which wasn't happening before we had the community we have now. Its about finding a balance between what you find hard and other players fly past. I had that with a covideoer when she was helping. She left levels for me she couldn't pass quickly and I did the same but I always did most of her left, within a few tries.
So don't quit, go replay old levels while you wait.