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🦹‍♀️🦹 New Hero Mode



  • Best1956
    Best1956 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    edited August 2023

    Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand! Check out our House Rules!

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,400

    Completely agree!

    There must be a reason though that's all I can think. Our farm queen says that they do listen to what we say and are trying to keep the game so that we love it, it's just they won't always tell us what their plans are as some things take time. So what might seem like a horrible move, might not end up being!

    That's why we need to keep the faith cos we game mods are 🤗 But it's ok to have a place to vent too.

    Hero mode is here to stay, so the better thing would now be to suggest how to improve it 😉

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,400

    @Best1956 one of the house rules is that we use English in the community in order that everyone can understand each other. You can use google translate if you need to 😊

  • Oehrchen
    Oehrchen Posts: 2

    Level 1


    I've been playing FHS for years now - almost daily - and i invested a relevant amount of real money in in-game-purchases of goldbars, boosters etc.

    The new heroe-mode (if it stays) causes me to quit the game. My personal challenge in this game was always to complete each level with 3 stars. I was around level 1.500,00, then i started again and play around 800 now. This "personal challenge" is almost unreachable with the new heroe-mode.

    I tried "Farm Heroes Super Saga" a while, but didn't play it very much, because the heroe-mode there (called "showtime") is almost exactly what it's like now here in SGH. I stayed at SGH just because of the possibility to gain 3 stars by playing in the heroe-mode, often with boosters.

    If this is gone now, I'm gone, too.

    (I doubt that there will be more new players coming to the game because they are excited by this new mode than old players leaving because they don't like it)

    Greetings, maybe farewell and thanks for the years of fun in this game.

  • Oehrchen
    Oehrchen Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Of course I mean FHS, not SGH (which i play as well...) - sorry!

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,400

    It's fine! Welcome to the community. Don't go though. Things change and evolve all the time and this is just early days. I understand what you mean though, I feel the same when I got stuck with 2 stars for a YouTube video when viewers will want 3!

    As regards new players, they won't know anything different so won't have anything to compare it with. We are just a a very very small part of the data that king look at very sadly. It has potential! For those of us like me who liked the idea, it just needs a big tweak. If you have ideas of how it could be tweaked, feel free to share as the fam manager is making sure that the studio see it.

  • LitaJane1
    LitaJane1 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    hi, I have the misfortune of hero move and hate it, would love to know how to get rid of it, it makes it impossible to get 3 stars, really thinking of stopping playing as it's so frustrating

  • LitaJane1
    LitaJane1 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    please please stop hero moves it absolutly ruins the game grrrrrrrr

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429


    Hello Oehrchen

    I see you are a German player and I am also from Germany. If you need help I can help you too. Best regards and have fun

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