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Farm Heroes Saga not loading on Facebook! FIXED!



  • kingkat28
    kingkat28 Posts: 21

    Level 3

    @kingkat28 I understand you are frustrated but please try to keep comments friendly. Are you playing on or Facebook?
    Have you seen this help article here?

    I can honestly say that your comments about fixing levels are wrong. Some levels have been changed over a dozen times that I know of, many I haven't caught or updated. If you have a problem with a level then giving feedback is handy as the studio do listen. This is from me, a player who blogs and makes videos for my own channel and blog. So I do know levels are changed often. Sometimes its not for the better, sometimes it is but they don't just make them harder and leave them they also change again. Some of those that have been changed over a dozen times were made harder many times and easier many times and ended up easier than they were to start with so respectfully, I disagree with that. I have many folders of old videos to prove it. 
    As regards the rewards, its annoying but they are free, you will get them again when the game is up and running.

    If cleaning doesn't work, please come back and let us know which browser you are using (Have you tried another) which version of windows and if playing on or Facebook and your game ID would be handy too, thank you :)
    Frustrated is not the work livid more like it.  I have been playing this game for 10yrs, ok, now its king that messes up I am not the only one that had complained if you cared to read others they had not been able to download the game for a week, so its not just me. And no matter how many times I contacted King you get the same answer, do this do that go on feedback. bla bla bla not once have they ever said we are having a problem, then when its fixed you lose five days of daily rewards because you could 't' get on the site, they could at least pay you back. And the other is the game I was playing was hard enough then king upped the amount of crops out of the blue which made it even harder, I can't pass this level its impossible especially now that they added an extra 50 crops to collect, and this was after I complained. No they are not any help they tell you to go to some out dated youtube video or one that looks nothing like yours, then they tell you to come on here for what? to be told to do this do that the same thing and all the time as said it was the site.
  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032
    @kingkat28 when you contact support through mail that is not a real person that answer that one at first. It is an computer automated reply. And they suggest some genrell action one can take.

    If you read what @queenb had said in this thread king knows that the loadingproblem was on there side otherwise they would not have fixed it.

    You talking about lost rewards. No one else has said that they lost anything. So did you see that the numbers on yours reward have gone down so you see that you lost them, then it can be the bug I wrote about.

    No one has said that they have return to day one in daily bonus. (One get back to day one if you don´t log in every day). But now when game was frozen it became frozen were you was. And it start counting again when the game start working again. So if you logged in when it start working you haven´t missed any reward.

    Complain about that sertain levels are hard, is it about level 2346 a rancid level that you started before so please contiune about that one in that thread so everything about that level are at one place.

    If it is another level that you now think is to hard, start a new thread about it so the king team get information that it is to hard. And let this thread be about the problem whit the loading problems that was.

  • adam64
    adam64 Posts: 46

    Level 3

    edited January 2020
    From yesterday evening I have a problem with level 2175 behaves strangely, does not freeze, just stops working. It is during the game that it stops picking fruit, interestingly the frog moves and the bombs also shine. For me, the computer is all right CPU consumption up to 50%, ram normal load up to 2Gb I also have a lot of spare computer does not slow down and the game does not work, it seems that something with this level is wrong. I was cleaning the cache and paging file but it didn't work. In total, I have started this level 20 times from the beginning and suddenly at some point the game stops working. The first time I encountered such a strange symptom. Other games on king com don't have such strange symptoms or could something be done about it?

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,434
    edited January 2020
    Hi @adam64 thank you for letting us know, I will pass it over to the community manager and she can ask the studio. 
    I see you have cleared cache etc which I would have advised. Do you have the game on mobile? If so could you try it there to see if it works?

    Edited to add that actually happened to me last night but i was on the windows 10 app and I thought it was just my laptop. (different level though)
  • adam64
    adam64 Posts: 46

    Level 3

    edited January 2020
    @Chicken_Slayer  Thank you for providing information to the community manager .
  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032
    @Chicken_Slayer I haven´t noticed any problems of that sort. But I´m not up on the same level that adam are.

    You say you got the problem on windows 10 app. Can you try your level on because that what adam play on. And if you compere your level whit the picture that adam put in. Do you have any of the things he has. I think of frogs, bombs or snowballs. Maybe watertank and ice. Do you see some of these in your level. If you have one or more I can see if I can find a level whit it and see if it is are more levels.

    I tanslated what he said and he only plays on computer win7.
  • Lucie-2
    Lucie-2 Posts: 17

    Level 2

    edited January 2020
    Here's an interesting snippet. As you can see at the bottom, 3 apples together and 4 suns together and it stops dead. Also notice the top right where the strawberry and carrot are showing up where they should be covered in a snowball. It's like it's frozen in the middle of a match. There's movement going on such as a carrot moving a bit and shines in the background changing. I can't go on from this point so I reload losing what I've done so far and the same thing happens to the next game. Also interesting is that for this msg, I kept the tab open and now going back to it, the screen's exactly the same as what's in my snippet but the lives are at 4 and the clock is still going. Weird! Hopefully, this isn't a new problem that's going to cause issues again.

    EDIT: Just a fluke I guess. I was finally able to get through a round - lost it but at least I got through it. Doesn't mean it won't happen again.
  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032
    @Lucie-2 do you remember what level it was.

    One thing that I see are the same as adams are snowballs.
  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,153
    Hello @adam64, Hearty Welcome to our friendly King Community :) 

    I am sorry to hear that you are having issue in your game!!  I thought of playing the level and check the glitch!! 

    But, my entire board for level # 2175 seems different!!  My required goals for this level are Spiders, Oysters, Carrots and Sun Cropsies!!  But, not the one you showed in above screenshot!!  Can you please confirm which browser are you using?

    Lever # 2175 in my game on  👇  👇  

  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,836
    @Lucie-2 and @adam64, I'll pass this on to the game team but are you both still on these levels? Do you happen to have Windows 10 on your PC?

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?