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Error message when playing on Facebook?



  • Mikejc
    Mikejc Posts: 0


    ref the orange screen "You have experienced an error that we are working hard to fix.
    Please try again in a moment."
    I have just cleared the 
    cache and cookies as suggested then restarted the browser
    I played one game then on the retry up popped the orange screen again.
    Obviously the fault has not been fixed.
    You (king) and Facebook, along with all the browser developers have enough software engineers to fix this, without it continuing for another two + years  
  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121
    Hi @Mikejc and welcome to out Community!

    Thanks for the info. Could you let me know your Game ID so I can pass this on to the Game Studio?

    Open the game on Facebook on your computer. Scroll down the page all the way to the bottom and click on the "Find my ID" to the left and the number will come up.
  • sam_123
    sam_123 Posts: 52

    Level 3

    hello king people.  well once again i play for a few friends on my computer. this morning the friend i am helping is on 2589 i get down to about row 8 and then this pretty black cat with the orange back ground comes and ruins my game. i have been playing this level for 2 days now and it shows up every single time. today i have been playing it for 2 hours straight. and i have only made it to the bottom 2 times because of the black cat with the orange back ground. it has frozen 3 times in these 2 hours also.  my friends ID number is  1501247689 i thought this was fixed please fix it again. my other friends i help still have the problem but not as bad as this one. ty and have a good day
  • Marjatta
    Marjatta Posts: 6

    Level 2

    Kirjoita kommenttisi
      Hei, tyhjensin historian, selaustiedot ja evästeet, mutta sain taas tämän ilmoituksen. Saan sen monta kertaa päivässä, kun pelaan vuori. ID on 1017645906. 

  • coorschick
    coorschick Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Lynette said:
    Hello @coorschick and @Claire_Morris =)

    This should now be fixed, but to get the fix live in your game you will need to clear the cache and cookies on the browser. 

    Let us know if you did this but the issue still persists.
    hi,, I cleared the cache and cookies,,problem is still there
  • bots97
    bots97 Posts: 0


    I get "You are experiencing an error that we are trying hard to fix"  for a few days now.  My ID is 9057713877. Thankyou
  • Marjatta
    Marjatta Posts: 6

    Level 2

    Kirjoita kommenttisi This issue has not been correct. I clear The cache and cookies half hour ago and I get error again.
  • coorschick
    coorschick Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Lynette said:
    Hello @coorschick and @Claire_Morris =)

    This should now be fixed, but to get the fix live in your game you will need to clear the cache and cookies on the browser. 

    Let us know if you did this but the issue still persists.
    hi,, I cleared the cache and cookies,,problem is still there..and I rebooted my computer,,still not fixed. grrrr
  • popsy
    popsy Posts: 7

    Level 2

    ID1351764847 Have cleared cache and cookies..still sticking especially when trying to finish off a game...v.frustrating.  Also cat on orange occasionally although not so bad now.  Am on the point of giving up as playing is a waste of time these days...

  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121
    Thanks for the update @sam_123 @Marjatta @coorschick @bots97 @popsy !

    I have passed this on to the Game Studio that you still are having issues with this. 

    As soon as I have any news I will let you know.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?