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@Crazy Cat Lad I think a mix of all three of those rewards is great! But just like my suggestion for the other King Games with the unlimited lives feature, you should be able to save them for later if you don’t want to use them instantly, and maybe a pause feature could work too, but I can kind of see why a pause feature wouldn’t really work.
For the Pet Coins, I think those are fine the way they are! The way they are being rewarded to you for completing levels (and the amount you get) is pretty fair. The prices of the packs you can get via Pet Coins is fair too. However, I have one small recommendation regarding those packs: I think there should be discounts every now and then, so that way you can kind of look forward to spending your Pet Coins when there is a good deal in the market, you know?
For the boosters, I think the way you get them is pretty fair and balanced the way it already is. So I don’t think there should be any changes regarding that kind of stuff.
It all depends whether you're going through checkerboard levels, meshed-up ones or get stuck high with losing some pets. 🤔
*Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Our House Rules
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mixture of the three
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