You guys who get this message. Could you try with clearing the browser cache, make sure the browser is updated, restart the browser and then when you play only have one tab open on the browser.
Let me know how it goes...
chezm said:
My ID isID: 6062638816
I'm getting the orange or first msg.
Having issues with PR crashing just after I win a lvl, and when it reloads you have to do that lvl all over again and the boosters you used and winning streak is gone?
And also when I am winning with a few moves left....crash! Been doing this for the past week or so for me, this has never happened before in my 4 or 5 yrs playing. I did not change any of my setting, it just started crashing. I'm on FB using Chrome, Win 7, desktop PC. Oh and yes Flash is up to date!