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Game won’t start (Apple devices) - Under investigation!



  • stan1981
    stan1981 Posts: 3,459

    What error msg u seeing? Restart ur phone and update to latest version and try ...

  • kyzosmom
    kyzosmom Posts: 1

    Level 1

    There’s no error msg. It just crashes every time I try to open it. Phone is updated. Still not working :(

  • katarina65
    katarina65 Posts: 0


    I play on my Iphone and since the latest update the game does not open. There is no error message, it just chrashes when I try to open. It seems to be a lot of people who have the same problem, when will you fix it??

    I have the latest update and use a Iphone 7.

  • elmosgal
    elmosgal Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Same with me. My pyramid solitaire saga will not open at all. I’m on an iPad 6th generation. Tried rebooting, and did the update, to no avail. I have no idea what level I’m on, only that it’s way up there, as I have played every day for years now. It has not opened for weeks, & I miss it.

  • bManning
    bManning Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Am I the only one that has the impression that our comments are falling on deaf ears, and that nothing will ever be done beyond the endless runaround? Going on a month now, and nothing useful happening at all from my perspective.

  • jjaap
    jjaap Posts: 10

    Level 2

    Hi. I said in a previous post if they could fix it’d have happened by now. I fear we may all have to move on.............😕

  • Lordtbone
    Lordtbone Posts: 12

    Level 2


    Before you do this keep in mind you lose all your boosters, jokers, scepters, extra cards and your progress if you haven't saved it. You could check on another device first to see if your progress is saved there when you log in.

    If you have saved your progress before (How to save progress? see: You can Touch and hold the app on the Home screen and then delete it. Get it again from the app store and it will work again! You do need to log in again to your or facebook account to carry on playing from where you left it. Keep in mind that you lose all your boosters, jokers, scepters and extra cards but maybe King will reward us with some free gold? 😉

  • scubie2
    scubie2 Posts: 24

    Level 3

    Reward us?! Yeah right. The only reward I want is to FIX MY GAME! All 2020 technology, & you guys can’t fix an online game of Solitaire?! Come on. RIDICULOUS

  • harveykat
    harveykat Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Not starting on iPad... please resolve.... have been playing forever, salvation during COVID

  • jpjeps
    jpjeps Posts: 4

    Level 1

    I agree that it feels like they are ignoring us. I have been playing for several years. There have been times when I have finished the game and waited for them to make more levels. I think they are not in a hurry to fix it because our game isn’t a super popular game like Candy Crush.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?