Game freezes
This discussion was created from comments split from: Missing lives.
Piggy bank
I have filled the piggy bank 2 times but when I click it to collect it sends me to the pay 2.99 page.I thought I was supposed to be able to break it and collect free.
Lives disappears
Every time i refill lives, a lot more is taken off. 24th August... from 95 lives to 85 then refilled again and there was 74 lives left. There is definitely a problem. Please can you fix it. This is not the first time its happened. Awaiting in anticipation for your response. :)
What have you done to the aiming?? Since the most recent update, you aim, shoot and the bubble does not go where it's aimed, it goes off all over the place. Very irritating
Home icon disappeared
I started playing Bubble Witch Saga 3 few days ago. When I started i didn't have wifi, so i accessed it on my laptop. Worked fine, but as soon as my wifi was turned on the home icon disappeared. Haven't gotten it back since.
High Level
Hallo i am at Level 2716 Who's ahead of me? Can only recognise one player ‘ erkek’
I can't move to the Broom stick League challenge
This discussion was created from comments split from: Our Studio wants your feedback on Quests! Tell us everything for a chance to win 10 Gold bars!.
Golden bars
hello, I need help to my golden bars. Pig is full and I can not change them does somebody knows how?
My items are gone
Hello,I'm korea user. on the 17th of this momth, the app doesn't work anymore. So, I deleted your game app(bublewitch3). Then the problem begin again. Which items I collected are gone. Can you solve the problem? I looking forward to your message.
Purchase items not received
Thanin Bubble Witch Saga 3. I made a purchase of bonus of additional moves and some power ups. I received confirmation of my purchase of$1.99. but did not receive them in the game. Can you correct this?