Automated response when contacting King
I have tried to contact King regarding an issue of paying for the piggy bank to be opened and did not receive the gold bars but all I get is an automated response twice saying someone will contact me shortly but it has been over 24 hours.
Not receiving daily gift BubbleWitch3
Have not received the daily gift while friends have been claiming.My friend received notification message today yet I didn't receive it. Have tried reinstalling the game but still no notification.
As of this week 8/1/19 I can no longer connect with Facebook to combine my scores on all my Apple devices....it takes me to FB..asks me to continue I click it takes me back to the game where it looks like it’s connecting I watch the little wheel go round and round...but it doesn’t ....I LOVE this game....how do we fix it...
level 1687
I am enjoying the latest levels. 1687 after two days of trying is now very close to being impossible. Just an fyi.
gold bar challenge that just ended
I was able to get to the 5th level... but yet to see any rewards of the 500,000 bars up for grabs.. any let me know why rewards have not been sent out or is it just me??
(Unsupported Language) Nivel 1679
Como puedo terminar con 494 burbujas teniendo 25 tiros? Llevo días intentándolo y siempre me quedan por lo menos 190 burbujas por rebentar, no lo podría lograr ni con el sombrero dorado! Como puedo hacer para pasar de nivel? O.o
Three helping spells
Before you start the level you get to choose between three spells. 1st was the cat, 2nd was the two coloured bubbles and the 3rd was fairies. For some reason it's only giving me the cat now. Why cant I chose?
I went in to play this morning having not played in at least 12 hours and I have 0 lives and the clock is not ticking. my user number is 1011046262 Help
I lost my Gold Bars after purchasing them through the 4 Gold Ticket gift.
I had 5 Gold Bars and purchased the 20 bars through the 4 Gold Ticket gift. I seem to have lost them when I filled up my Piggy Bank and purchased the 50 bars through the bank. Now it says I only have 59? I would like to get them back because I spent money on them. Do I get a refund or is there something else to do to get…
Balls with two colors
balls to shoot with two colors stopped appearing at the beginning of the game. Now only the option of single color balls appears. Can you help me, please?