Level 1669
This discussion was created from comments split from: Meet the Kingsters behind the Kingdom’s magic!.
Game play options
When I started playing, I used to be able to choose between play boost options - orb power, fairy sparkle or duo colour. Around level 350, these have gone and now I am only left with orb power as a boost. Is this right?
Why haven't I received my gold bars after downloading & signing up with BWS3
Why haven't I received my gold bars after downloading & signing up with BWS3
I’ve been playing for many years. Since July the piggybank does not fill to fifty as it has in the past. I always buy at fifty! When will this be corrected? Will it be corrected?
Quest and medals
Can someone explain why I have medals on my android device and quests on win 10 app and why fairy dash is missing from win10 when both devices are sync with Facebook also magic ritual is not synced. Screenshots included are win10 top image and Android bottom image.
What has happened to the game play options?
Where have the options gone for different game play, I used to be able to choose between single orb, Fairy and double orb before playing each level and I now only have the single orb. i am playing bubble witch 3 on android. I have deleted the app and reinstalled but still not got the different options.
Explanation more please
I am close to the last few levels available. First in the group, 4733 stars earned, 633 stars more than the second place in the group at the same level. However, the second place's "home" has more updates than mine. The game is played to earn stars which in turn to earn more points to trade for updates in the home. Not in…
Recover my progress in stage level
I have crossed more levels by some mistakes i couldnt start from the old stage please help us. Please help me in recovery of my old processed stages.
This discussion was created from comments split from: Tell us how Candy Friends makes your Summer sweeter than ever and win free boosters!.
Bubble Witch 3
I play Bubble Witch 3 on a Lenovo Tab , running Windows 10. Normally when I click on the icon the game loads up in Full Screen, but just the other day, it now loads up as a square with a black bar top and bottom. The game play area has also become alot smaller. Any advice please on how to get it back to full screen.…