Error when claiming a gift
I was offered 50 gold bars for leaving a review but when I clicked on the chest I recieved an error saying the gift coud not be claied right now. How can I still claim this?
Just finished level 960. Stella got "stolen" and now game crashes. When will i get to play again?
The game won't open now. Something is happening because it said they were stealing Stella. Now I can't play at all. What is happening?
Soon, waiting for new fantastic areas, we can relax. It's more than a month that says this and I do not go ahead with the missions, why?
Bubble Witch 3
List all my levels havecto start all over from the beginning How can I start where I left off?
Please Acknowledge The Greed Motivating the "Piggy Bank"
I am not asking what the Piggy Bank is, I already understand exactly how it works. What I would like, however, is for someone on your "team" to acknowledge how utterly crappy it is for King to have implemented this Piggy Bank system. It is absolutely ridiculous that I have to PAY for that the gold bars that I have…
Lost boosters
Installed game on new phone, logged in with Facebook. Progress and gold bars are right but boosters are missing?
FRIENDS on Facebook that play candy crush does not show on leaderboard. How can add them. .
Game crashes and lost very large amount of money to keep playing. So my question is, what are you go
Games continually crashes and freezes and I have spent a LOT of money to keep playing. I want to know what you are going to do to fix problems I am having. Several hundreds of dollars spent and all the game does is start level then freezes and then crashes and completely shuts down I lose players and gold bars. I want a…
Ciao,sono al livello 407,è più di un mese che,quando vado per visitare i miei vicini,ho il gioco bloccato e mi dice : prossimamente.In attesa di nuove fantastiche aree possiamo rilassarci,Perchè? grazie
bubble witch 3 saga
I can not play bubble witch 3 saga, the page always tells me "there was an error, we are working to solve it, try again"