My game is stuck, help!
complete levels but doesnt proceed to new level. ??? please advise on what is going on, frustrated
how to move game to computer
how to move game to computer
What happened to the tree?
Usually there are things like a telescope or some stairs or a bookcase or something that you can buy and get a little block filled up on the top left of the screen when you accumulate enough Stardust and I haven't seen anything lately the last thing I got was 10000 just points worth for I believe I got a telescope or I…
Spells disappearance
Hi mates, I have opened the game a couple of hours ago and found that I have absolutely no spells in my game although I have linked the game with Facebook since the beginning of playing the game .. all what happened is that I changed my living location into another block . any suggestions ?
how do I talk to the person I was talking to the other day about making two purchases ?
I made two purchases one right before midnight on the 14th and one after midnight on the 15th and did not receive the gold bars and bonus items. I finally found where I made the purchase on microsoft and took a screenshot of it.
third flower task
when other players on tree arent playing why do u have to wait so long to pick a third flower task?
Help Centre
My fb was hacked and then locked and I've been unable to retrieve it!! I've now created a new fb account and because of this I've lost my progress on bubble witch 3 and ended up back at the beginning!! Is there any way of getting back to the level I was on? Any info/help will be appreciated xxx
Bubble witch saga How many levels
How many levels?
I haven't been able to play for two weeks now.
The title screen pops up and when I hit the Play button, nothing happens. The music plays and the screen is alive but I can't get into the game to play it. Can anyone help me?
Login problem
My Bubble Witch 3 Saga is connected to the wrong facebook page it should be connected to Nichelle not Nikki