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I cannot claim the Tricksies Reward



  • katking
    katking Posts: 13

    Level 2

    I still haven't received my tricksie rewards. Please could you issue them to me.
    P.S. I clear my caches daily and I'm on auto update on the app so it's not that causing it. Thanks.
    ID: 8337369779
  • LadyRaffie
    LadyRaffie Posts: 4,124
    Hello @katking :)

    Sorry to hear that! 
    I've added some Gold to your account to compensate the missing rewards :)

    Have a Bublicious evening :3 

  • yulisey
    yulisey Posts: 9

    Level 2

    Yes. I have removed the game and reinstalled. However I lost all my rewards as well. 

  • Lesley-6
    Lesley-6 Posts: 379
    @QueenRaffie Has the issue of not getting Tricksies rewards been resolved yet, my cookies and cache are cleared daily, my settings for updates are for them to be done automatically and I have issues with finding my ID on my Samsung device as you are aware.
  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,425
    I'm not Queen Raffie @Lesley-6 but we spoke about this last week and she said the studio haven't fixed it. Its been ongoing for some time and it doesn't seem to be a simple fix :( It might be they haven't got to the root of the issue yet. I have the same issue on ipad :( 
  • Lesley-6
    Lesley-6 Posts: 379
    Thank you @Chicken_Slayer, it's a shame it's not been fixed yet as it's the best event in my opinion spoiled by not getting the rewards but I still keep playing it as in my opinion it's the fairest and easiest to play though rarely get all the tricksies 
  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,425
    I like the tricksies too! :)
  • Lesley-6
    Lesley-6 Posts: 379
    I think they should do something special for them in the same sort of vein as the cats though could be difficult designing a residence of some sort for them
  • Kim_Smail
    Kim_Smail Posts: 14

    Level 2

    Tricksies Reward has been stuck for months, can not claim even though the claim button is lit up. I’ve sent several messages and it has been reset or fixed but it looks like I’m not the only one. When are you going to fix this??? Enjoy the game

  • Lesley-6
    Lesley-6 Posts: 379

    Weird you should put up that discussion again, I was going to as the Tricksie event is on now and I was going to ask if the bug has been fixed, I guess we will find out soon enough or not when the event has finished, it would ease the situation if we were compensated but as that involves giving your player ID then I've no hope as I still haven't a solution as to whether I'm connected to Facebook or not, I suspect that the only remedy will be for me to start from scratch if I'm that desperate and maybe I will as I'm hating the level I'm on, finding it impossible unless I willing to spend money which I won't, ironically if Tricksie's event paid out I might get some free boosters, Wake the Tree isn't helping much as often getting non participating players so it's two days before I get any sort of reward and sometimes the wait isn't worth it, would be better to give more boosters than 180 minutes free play.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?