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Get rid of the cheaters - *CM: Feedback sent to the Studio!*



  • Lindark
    Lindark Posts: 5,713

    Perhaps there was a delay in their score displaying for you. It's not always cheating!

  • You are right @lindark its not always cheating as some play off line for a while and there scores added once they come back on line πŸ‘πŸ’“

  • Walezy
    Walezy Posts: 286

    Hello @PrettyBubbles , I have read this thread and I feel offended that some players, even though they did not download the hacked APK file or the hacked ios version, were called cheaters, although maybe some actually cheat.

    I've known the game for about 1.5 years and I haven't installed any hacked files or versions for ios. I play alternately either on the phone or on the PC and have passed all the available levels.

    In fact, I noticed that when the league ended and the next one started, my score was moving from the machine, which meant that at one point my score in the league was around 3000. I logged out of my account, restarted the devices I play on, but it didn't help. The result kept moving all the time. Another problem that I noticed at the same time was that the league points were scored from only one device, from the phone or from the PC, never from both. Eventually I figured there must be a bug in the game, but I didn't think to report it. Now it turns out that unaware of what is happening, I have been indirectly calledΒ "cheater".

    Maybe the problem was due to the fact that I play on two devices? Now, since the two editions of the league, I have noticed that these two problems has disappeared and now it always starts with a "zero" result, which I am very happy about.

  • Hi @Walezy please don't worry these comments are not directed personally at you unless you have seen something I haven't if so then please point it out to me as we won't allow that behaviour

    There are lots if reasons not just cheating that your score can be high like those who start playing off line in the beginning and also your explanation which was due to a bug that has now corrected itself so we get that there can be other reasons so once again please don't worry you have done nothing wrong β­πŸ‘

  • Lemurtek
    Lemurtek Posts: 2,079

    I guess I'll throw my two cents in. The League score can be odd sometimes. A while back, it wasn't updating my points at at all,, even though I beat mutiple new levels. Other times I have seen my score "jump" hundreds of points. I actual;l;y reported this to the PTB earlier, since I didn't want anyone to think I was cheating. The scoring seems to stutter sometimes, possibly due to the offline catching up process.. I don't know about scores over 3000, but you can get a score over 1000, without cheating..This score is unusal for me (actually a bit of a milestone), but the last week or so I've been playing pretty much all day every day in the Golden Tournament, so I've have passed a lot of levels. I know people do cheat, but not everyone with a high star count in the leagues is cheating. Like I said, just my 2 cents.

  • Lemurtek
    Lemurtek Posts: 2,079

    So... I did a little experimenting. I jusdt started a new KLeague challenge, I had just a few stars (on the PC) On a Hunch, I played Bubble Witch on my Mobile (android, Moto G-Play) where I was greeted with 1017 Stars on ther Astral League. Sfter quitting the Game on the Mobile, I returned to the PC, polayed Level 1 (that's another experiment I'm conducting) and suddenly, I had 1017 Stars on my Astral League! This isn't a formal experiment, and I didn't think to get a pre experiment screen shot, but here is the result, pretty clearly a transfer from my Mobile. : as Spock would say- "fascinating" (note: had I a different bent of mind, I would have kept this little tricvia to myself, buty I'm feeling a little guilty, even though I'm not intentionally cheating.)


  • KCullen127
    KCullen127 Posts: 6,698

    @PrettyBubbles - I documented and I informed you there is something wrong with the scoring. I finished my Astral League a few days go with 1700 something like that but today I am on Astral League again with the score I ended in my last Astral League. Can you be on the same League again even after you win the League. Now I feel bad for the contestants on this League because I am 1700 points ahead of them.

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,119
    edited December 2021

    Hi @Lemurtek You should be on the same points on whatever device you use as your game is saved so that is correct.

    If you have found this not to be the case in past league challenges that will have been an error

    Your score should reset once you start a new challenge

    All saved king events should have the same result with the exemption of levels as pc can be behind a mobile

    Please don't worry we have spoke before and we know you are not cheating β­πŸ‘

  • Hi @KCullen127 Yes if you finished in the top 3 you remain in the astral league having said that you should re start with zero points so there is a glitch going on in your game.

    Have you tried logging out and turning your device off and on this may reset it for you β­πŸ‘

  • KCullen127
    KCullen127 Posts: 6,698
    edited December 2021

    @PrettyBubbles - I turned it off and turn back on and my score is still the same.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?