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πŸ’‘ Bubbler's Suggestion ~ Idea Box πŸ’‘



  • ariel2021
    ariel2021 Posts: 202

    @johamilton Thank you and it was my pleasure. 😊


  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,252

    Hi @LaLuna03 welcome and thank you for playing BW3

    Yes whenever you are ready please come back we will look forward to hearing from you

    Happy gaming and have a starlistic day 🌟

  • johamilton
    johamilton Posts: 27,570
    edited March 2023

    Hi there @LaLuna03 first of all welcome to the BW3 family. So nice to meet you. The Suggestion box will be here when you are ready. No rush at all πŸ€—

  • Tweetysvoice
    Tweetysvoice Posts: 53

    Level 3

    MY suggestion.... I just completed level 5000 and it was very anticlimactic. Although, I was happy it wasn't a Morgana level. I hate those. I've never stuck with a game this long..ever! I'm 50, so I've played many many games (It started with FB's Farmville in early 2000's).

    My suggestion: there needs to be some sort of award for hitting the major milestones. And, the league's awards need to be at least better than the fairy run awards. I've won my league many times and 2 magic beams aren't all that exciting when I get more than that catching the ghost.

    Anyways, just my two cents... How many levels are there anyways?

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,252

    Hi @Tweetysvoice thank you for stopping by with your feedback you have some valid points

    There is no end to the levels we get between 5 and 6 new chapters each month πŸ’“

  • johamilton
    johamilton Posts: 27,570

    Hi @Tweetysvoice , so nice to meet you and thank you for stopping by with your suggestions. As of now we are sitting at 6860 levels and every week there will be more added.

    So you have lots more fun in front of you 🀩

  • pirata20
    pirata20 Posts: 380

    1) The game relaxes me, when I am taken by thoughts or anxiety, stop, pick up the phone and start the games.

    2) if I could I would remove the green monsters that shoot balls from the game, I don't know if I can explain myself. Every time they open their mouths, a new bubble comes out, I hate them.

    3) I don't like competitions with screeshots, I never understand where, how is how many to make.

    4) to increase the score c is the yellow cat, I do not remember what it is called, I prefer the other cats, they give more help.

    5) if I remember correctly 4456.

  • johamilton
    johamilton Posts: 27,570

    Hi @pirata20 thank you for joining in 😁

    I am so glad that the game itself helps you relax. I always play at night and I enjoy it also

    I know exactly what monster you are talking about ~ it is the Swamp Trolls. I agree with you, they are a pain to deal with. As if I need more bubbles πŸ˜‚

    Regarding the screenshots on the contests. On the first page of any contest it will tell you what is needed. Hope you try to join in on some of them. We are always here to help you with any questions.

    The yellow cat is Leo. He has the power of points.

    So happy you are part of our BW Family πŸ’•

  • pirata20
    pirata20 Posts: 380

    Hello, thank you for being considered a family person, it is always nice to have friends everywhere. I started the game when it came out, at the beginning it came out 20 levels a week, when it got harder I started to run aground and so now I'm 2400 levels behind. When do you think the game will end? I want to be one of those who started and finished. A hug from northern Italy

  • johamilton
    johamilton Posts: 27,570

    Oh yes you for sure are family @pirata20 😍 Well we hope it does not end 😁

    I have a good feeling we will be here for a long time. There is no talk of it ending. So keep on playing.

    Hugs back from Texas in US πŸ€—

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