The girls finish building their snowmen
Just as Elsa was about to go searching for Tiffi, out of the woods comes our little blonde haired girl with a bunch of twigs. “Sorry that it took me so long,” says Tiffi. “I had to get the perfect twigs for our snowmen. Now let’s get them dressed! Yeti and Red Rabbit are exhausted. They had too much fun throwing the…
Home at last!
“It’s been a fun day but I’m glad that we’re home,” says Tiffi. “Dad we’re home.” Mr. Toffee reminds them to take off their winter clothing before walking through the house. It sure smells good in the kitchen. Kimmy walks into the kitchen to see what her father is cooking. Tiffi heads into her bedroom to check on her…
What a great dinner!
“Yum, yum, yum,” says Yeti. “Girls if you don’t hurry up then I’ll eat everything in this pot!” They are all now gathered in the dining room. “Dad, no fishies tonight?” asks Tiffi. “But this pot of strew looks great so I can live without fishies for one night.” Chatter and chomping among the group and before they know it,…
Our energetic little girl is not done yet!
A couple of days later Tiffi gathers a bunch of snowmen pictures to create a video with the music ‘Do you want to build a snowman’. She just loved the movie ‘Frozen’ because the star had the same name as her storyteller friend, Elsa! It doesn’t take her long to find a bunch of neat looking snowmen images to add to her…
Tiffi and the Melting Snow
It was December 26th, one day after Christmas. It had been snowing for the last few days, and before looking out the window, Tiffi expected a beautiful snowscape still with drifting snowflakes. To her disappointment, much of the snow have already melted. There were a number of patches on the ground, some on the roof, and a…
A Candy Christmas Carol 🎄 Chapter 7: It was all a Dream?
The Bubblegum Troll got up and was so confused. Was it all a dream, or did it actually happened? When he hears the door knock, he answers it. "Hello?" He said as he opened the door and sees Jean-Luc, who is asking him to go to the party today at night. "Hello, sir! Would you like to come to the Christmas Festival with us?"…
A Candy Christmas Carol 🎄 Chapter 6: The Future of Christmas
The fog fade away, which leaded them into the candy town. "Where are we?" Asked the Bubblegum Troll. The ghost pointed to the pink jelly thing that is Bubblegum Troll's jelly minion. "What are those things? Are those my jelly minions?" Bubblegum Troll question to himself. There a jelly minion who is carrying a hot…
Rachel and Rancid’s wedding
We already know how fast time goes in the Candy Kingdom. It’s now a little over a week before the wedding. “Rachel, do you realize that we’re getting married next week?” Rancid says. “Where has this time gone?” Rachel’s phone begins to ring. “Hello Rachel, I have some bad news to tell you,” says the woman from the Basilica…
Rancid talks to Yeti
Rancid looks at the calendar again and realizes that their bachelor’s and bachelorette’s parties are this coming Saturday. He hasn’t heard from Yeti so he calls to find out how the plans are going. “Hey, hey, hey Rancid, what’s up?” asks Yeti. “Everything is all set for your bachelor’s party for this coming Saturday. I…
Rachel speaks to Elsa
On the way home Rachel’s phone rings. It’s Elsa calling her to update her on the bachelorette’s party. “Hi Rachel, how are you doing?” asks Elsa. “Are you getting nervous yet?” Rachel tells Elsa about the church service being cancelled but Le Bistro says that they have a smaller room and can set up the service in that…