Professor Alpha’s book is missing words
“Hi grandfather, this is Tiffi and her friend Elsa,” Betty says. “Elsa needs your help. She is a storyteller for the King Candy Crush characters. Yesterday when she started writing a new story on her laptop suddenly words popped up all over the page, out of nowhere. Can you please help her? ……… Grandfather, hello! It’s…
Betty mentions the Word Genie
Professor Alpha looks at the laptop and finds it very strange that those words are just popping up. He tells Elsa to reboot the computer and then to open up a brand new document so that they can see if it happens again. The laptop has now restarted and Elsa opens up a new document. Again! Suddenly the words start popping…
Professor Alpha posts a help wanted sign
Professor Alpha has got to find a solution as to why the letters are disappearing from the game. He decides to create a ‘help wanted for lost letters’ sign hoping that maybe some of the players have seen extra letters in their games. Sign is completed! Now he plans on hanging it on a nearby tree. Hopefully a player will…
The girls speak to the Word Genie
The girls are on the way to find the word genie. “I remember hearing about the Word Genie from one of Barney’s friends,” says Betty. “His friend was writing a letter to the love of his life and he couldn’t find the correct words to put into the message. He contacted the Word Genie who helped him and they are now Mr. and…
Who’s hiding behind the tree?
On the way back to town, they are unaware that there is a mouse lurking behind the big tree. It’s Doctor Zed, and he is an evil nemesis of Professor Alpha. He has been trying so hard to steal the Encyclopedia of Everything book that the professor is writing. He is determined to get that book and then he can take all the…
Let’s get ice cream!
The girls see an ice cream truck ahead and Tiffi makes a mad dash to get in line. She asks the girls if they would like something, her treat! Elsa tells her that she would like a popsicle. Betty doesn’t want anything and Tiffi gets an ice cream cone with 2 scoops of ice cream. They continue on their way and now that…
The girls find the missing book
“Hi Barney, have you gotten the letters back in the game yet?” asks Betty. “We went to see the Word Genie and he told us that he could bring the missing letters back into the game and the missing words back into my grandfather’s book.” Barney tells her that the letters are definitely back. Betty tells him that her…
Elsa finds a way to get rid of Doctor Zed
Elsa remembers reading something on Google about how to get rid of nasty evil mice. She takes out her phone and looks it up on Google. “I found it!” says Elsa. ‘Although natural remedies aren’t always the answer when getting rid of pests (like using cucumbers to get rid of cockroaches, along with many other methods that…
Me isieron falta unas cuantad
Let’s go to the circus! (part 2)
Time passes and it’s getting closer to mid-August. She contacts all her friends to find out who wants to go to the circus with her. She speaks to some and leaves a voicemail message for others. She will wait for all the return calls before she can create a list of who will be joining her. She finally hears back from…